Hi guys! Man, long time no see for all u guys. I been gone for quite a while. Good to be back tho B)
My R33 has finally reached the age of 100,000 kms now and so its time for a major service. I know there is a thread about this major service and I read it, but I was hoping for VICTORIAN experiences with this major service.
- What was done (other than timing belt)?
- Who did u go with?
- What was the cost?
- Any other problems that needed addressing during or after?
Any posts appreciated. Thanks all!!
BTW, this is the list of tasks that the 100,000km service thread mentioned (I'm scared of the bill!!):
New Iridium Spark Plugs.
Water Pump.
Cam belt
Drive belts.
Oil Filter
Fuel Filter
Check cam and crank seals for leaks usually OK and extra if seals required
Check cam belt pullies
All electricals, exhaust, suspension. Coolant and hoses.
Gear oil 75w- 90 or auto trans service.
Engine, gearbox and power steering get Uniglide treatment.
Clutch and brake fluid flushed and bleed.
Radiator and engine flush.
Clean and treat battery terminals.
Clean terminals to injector plugs, ignition coils.
Compression test.
Spray lubricant on throttle linkages and other.
Adjust water sprayers and additive used
Lubricate door hinges and strikers, bonnet latch, boot hinges, aerial mast.
Check and tighten sub frame and suspension and cross member bolts etc.
Tyre pressures checked and corrected.
Air filter replaced or if performance filters cleaned and re oiled.
Check list for our technicians and report given.