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Everything posted by CroatianR33

  1. Well when my car comes along my 1st intention is to join.
  2. i am gong for the series 1 very soon.....insurance would be cheaper aswell wouldnt it?
  3. DREMEN you are right......its not on tomorrow night
  4. munro if you do come upto Sydney one day for he quarter mile make sure you let us all know so we can come and cheer you on.
  5. munro if you do come upto Sydney one day for he quarter mile make sure you let us all know so we can come and cheer you on.
  6. I think he still meant r33 akeenan.
  7. I say you Cop Lovers wait till you get stuffed around by a cop out to meet his quota and impress his boss!!!
  8. We should start our own political party. I'm sure we would be more succesful than the shooters association!!!! I don't think i'll ever understand why some basic mods are illegal. If the car is made to be faster then why dont the cops just book it when it exceeds the speed limit!! As for noise pollution, thats just some excuse to book us and raise money for the cops donuts!!! Its discriminating that we cant have loud cars but Harley's would put our cars to shame but if cops started defecting Harleys they would all be F**ken dead!!!! I think we should become really good friends with bikies and go on cruises with them!!! They block whole interesections, cover their plates when going through red light camera's in large groups and wake-up everyone within a 15kay radius but the p*ssy cops dont to nothing because they are scared of them. As NWA said "*@$^ the POLICE" Thats my 2 cents!
  9. At Eastern Creek they have off-street drags every second wednesday. The track does have better grip because - the track is warmer from the other cars that have raced before you -your tyres can be warmer cause you can do a fully sik burnout as you come forward to the christmas tree lights -and finally the EC staff put some crap on the track to help it grip more so yes you can launch a lot quicker on a track than on the street. OK as for the actual Drags, you need to be there between 3:00pm and 6:50 pm to be in for the drags that night. Its $45 per driver and $35 for the second driver if you have one. Its on the second wednesday of every month and a fornight after that.
  10. What is the quickest time a GTR has ever made??
  11. I heard that grand turismo is what made skylines popular in Oz??
  12. The older they are the more dangerous they are... One friend of mine has a car which lost its mirror on the passenger side (possibly knocked off by another car) and when we were driving his mum to work in the passenger seat she freaked and asked what happened to the mirror...little did she know that she had been driving the same car withouts its left hand side mirror for over 2 months....
  13. Croat was sleeping at that time cause I remember ringing him to tell him that Croatia had scored and eventually won 4-0 against Belgium in a Euro 2004 Qualifier.. Sorry I had to boast!!!
  14. Hey I had a great time. I was the passenger in Croat's Black R33. We left early but still had a great time cruising up and can't wait too see you guys again sometime soon. Dirt road was a bit of a *itch but the best drive was on the way to Gosford from Thornleigh!!!!
  15. Can I just ask a question...where would you go to get an engineering cert. and how much would it cost?? Is it really difficult to get them aswell??
  16. Yeh well I was in Croats R33 a few hours ago and we had a COP with his lights on stop infornt of us and stick his arm out for us to come beside his car(thats what we thought) we put down the passenger window and the cop tells us "F*CK OFF YOU BLOODY D*ICKHEAD" or something similiar to that...then Goran who was right behind us was told to "F*CK oFF'......if I was in a completely non-defectable car i would have started an argument.... you know what I was thinking....If you have a video camera which you could take around with you when you drive, when you get pulled over one day record what the cop says and does without him seeing the camera and if he starts saying stupid shite then hand in the video to the appropriate authorities!! Thats probably the only way we could prove the crap we get from them for being "P" platers/import car drivers.
  17. Firstly you bloody post-whores really need something to do with your spare time and secondly I cant remember the name of the cartoon but it had a bear that flew a plane and delivered parcels and shit from a seaplane and used to fight bad guys in planes and flew to this small "hawaiian" style club on this island.....and there was a younger bloke who used to grab a rope behind the plane and floated on a "air skateboard" It was on saturday disney in the mornings!!!
  18. Well I'm pretty sure Diabolik, Croat and me are going out for a cruise so we'll probably all meet up...but dont ask me whats happening...ask one of them. This will be the first time I will meet anyone from the board...except VISHES cause i saw him at EC for a few seconds!!
  19. My mate has a Cordia Turbo apparently running "20psi" on a 2L engine...he doesnt have any other real mods that he knows of (he got it off a mate for free) and the car isnt well taken care of. So do u reckon it would beat a R33 GTS-T cause I dont reckon it would but he reckons it would smash a 'line. Another thing...this guy reckon skylines dont come out stock with intercoolers....
  20. You guys should see the chicks at my college!!! I could swear they are all doing a modelling course!!! Of course I dont get any learning done unfortunately!!!
  21. I agree with u!! I reckon the 1st one was awesome and from what i see and hear this one will be the same if not better.... If u don't like watching hotted up cars racing, action, chases and that chick stading infront of the s2000 then go watch son of rajab of the Rings!!!! CHEERS!
  22. Hey guys I went out to watch and had a good time... good number of skylines and got to say hello to VISHES...although security was telling me to move on!!! Did anyone see DEXTER parked near the pits??? Is he in this forum and why didnt he ru last night??
  23. GTS-T VSPEC is probably right....on my ford the screws in the terminals were corroded and not all the power would go through all of the time...I just got new screws and tightened the terminals and everything was fine
  24. THATS THE ONE!!! Ohh man that deck is sexy!!!
  25. OK i reckon keep everything at the front the way it is but either get 2 6x9's or 7x10's on the parcel tray or rear shelf wateva u wanna call it and get maybe one 12 or two 10's or wateva in their boxes in the boot....i've never seen u sub in a rear shelf probably due to the fact that they need they own box for good sound and would weight to much for the rear shelf.... I'm not sure if there is such thing as a 8inch sub but it probably isnt worth getting anyways....
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