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(B1) MR_fanny

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Everything posted by (B1) MR_fanny

  1. so whens the next burger cruise? some mighty hungry faces there....i feel like a burger now.
  2. it was a fun car to drive on GT3 well maybe not that particular model
  3. my condolences. yeah my hatred for fire starters is at an all time high at this point in time.
  4. i had to buy a narrow extention to get the nuts onto my rims
  5. ha.....urrmmmm....yeah....what he said.
  6. your aircon setting may be set to vent to the floor. possible solutions to your crunching 2nd gear has been already posted on your previous other 2 threads...do you not read them? take it to a mechanic if you want it properly diagnosed and fixed.
  7. well if your too low your too low realy. most won't even make mention of it let alone know what coilovers are. whats annoying is being dicked for the lowest point of the car in my case my second exhaust pipe that runs under my diff. My ride height wouldnt even be considered "low"....arrrrh. i never knew why coilovers are illegal? can someone explain? whats the diff to them and say some aftermarket pedders shocks or billies? something to do with ADR approval?
  8. "the 3 is a Z which is much more appealing"...lol so the L's are upsidown 7's which is also more appealing. and whats up with the mustang?
  9. pink sticker on afm is another tell tale. thats if it hasnt been replaced with a Z32
  10. yeah i used to enforce that rule too....and no smoking
  11. quite a nice glow...are they encapsulated in anything to keep them waterproof?
  12. stocker gts seats i believe do no have that memory thing that gtr seats have. you could possibly adust the recliner knob as far as you can but i cant remember if the drivers even have a recliner knob, the passenger one does...well in a 33 anyways. Ive got gtr seats now and they snap back into the same position you adjusted them to.
  13. there is no load on your gbox when stationay as its not engaged so its technically doing f-all thats why its smooth.
  14. ive been getting this from others too. looks to be a sneaky viral marketing campaign to up feb sales....i dont feel like using the tix now..ha it doesnt feel special anymore.
  15. do fox's carry rabbies? i watched something on tv about some chick getting rabbies, didnt know for a month, miricle shes not dead but all her motor and speach are out the window. ive seen a fair few on the westal extention off princes hwy, they've all dissapeared now since they've started developing that big block of land.
  16. pumps are mounted to the washer bottle so its all hose from there. it pretty much runs under your bonnet like you said and just splits off to the two nozzles. so your front nozzles dont work at all hey? ive set up mine to spray on my side mount cooler but i use the rear pump, never use that pump and its hooked up to the stock solenoid wiring so it turns on automatically when ecu sends voltage to the solenoid to go to hi boost. you have to have a nice fine mist for it to be really effective.
  17. its an old car, your 2nd gear syncro's are probably worn. crunching it in probably isnt helping either. mine used to do it, i just got a short shifter problems solved or masked. you can always try some additives, not sure how effective it is though.
  18. mines 30...i think its enough.
  19. ha yeah already saved. just not sure if you can use the same tix with the same barcode cause they may just assign the one tix to the one internet connection per comp if that makes sense. did you get the same barcode number as mine?
  20. (B1) MR_fanny


    welcome welcome i see your not shy to show your mug on the intraweb. track days are great. member sign up/renew day is coming up soon if your interested in going on some members only events.
  21. sweet...so can i just present this and get 8buck tix for anyone who's with me? or do i need to print out seperate ones for each person? is it just the one barcode? i got M02620000001. what did everyone else get?
  22. another +1 for traction tyres. they are straight up with what needs to be done and nothing more. dominic will ask you what alignment you want be it tyresaver or performance. Unfortunately its usally one or the other..ha basic front and back wheel alignment should cost $77 maybe abit more and the camber and castor alignment should be included as its what they adjust anyways to align your wheels. If someoen tells you otherwise hang up if your car is too low you may need camber kits but they will tell you if do need em.
  23. you should technically be only running a sealed battery in the boot. as for the problem, your alarm could be draining your bat, could also be your alternator not working properly so its not charging the bat properly maybe? swap the battery if you can to see if its not the bat itself thats dodgy.
  24. does appear to be 400r but not genuine....only gtrs are genuine kits i believe. skyline in a barn...doesnt look right does it...ha
  25. wanna start of by posting up a pic to where its been cut? the obvious answer is to the washer bottle motor
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