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(B1) MR_fanny

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Everything posted by (B1) MR_fanny

  1. thats an awsome pic ed....can i get that on a shirt??
  2. the first time i got breathalised was when i was still on my P's and my cuz'n'co came down from QLD in his heavily modded wrx. not ten mins into melb and it got a cannary....haha. anyways i was designated driver for the nite and we were stopped on the freeway with 7 peeps in the car. 4 in the back and 3 in the front?? yep 3. a big greek guy sittin in the passengers seat with his lil asian bro in law on his lap.....haha. blew 0 readin which was bizzare cause i had my first double scotch like an hr b4. ..i was shittin myself . the constable calls his superior over to have a look at the two guys in the passengers seat. he didnt know what to think of it or how to write it up so he just let us go with a warnin. talk about bein lucky!! do i win any prizes for this??...hehe:D
  3. hey guys.....lookin at buyin the N1 front pipe for my existing N1 exhaust. read somewhere that it actually eliminates the cat all together is this true?? this would then make it "illegal":D "for racing only?" any suggestions to any other front pipe that i could use.....prefferably lookin for one with the flexi-joint thingy. cheers!!
  4. hey guys ive just had a brainstorm.......that doesnt come to often. how about u guys go for a run along that bridge/rd thingy that has all those red archs....i think its after balte headdin towards the airport....does anyone know what im talkin about...hehe...and like fill up all 3-4 lanes with the liners and get someone to take a pic in a car behind em......i recon that would look SWEET!!! and that bridge thingy is kind of a melb landmark.
  5. black is nice........i have a black one.....but just a suggestion...maybe have white liners so they stand out just a lil more???
  6. damn........so whats ur bed packin at the stumps??...lol....hmmm....wait a minute that doesnt sound rite.......lookin forward to the replies on that one...haha doc??....from ice? how much was that? can i make one out of a garden hose? been readin that bleed valves spikes....isnt that abit danger?
  7. yeah i got that price from the post ages ago from that hikari guy who said he was bringin in 30 gtr ic's and peeps were only willin to pay 500 for it. i was hoping to hold off gettin any major electronic parts untill end of yr when i go overseas cause theyre damn cheap!! how about just gettin the EBC on a stock ic?? one thing is for sure...if i had an ic laying around under my bed id be playin with it all nite.......hehee.....but im sure ur over that!!
  8. hey guys.......would like ur opinion on something. have had my eye on gettin a used gtr ic for my r33. thing is the car is pretty much stock + exhaust.....is it worth gettin one at this stage or should turn my eyes to an ECB...AFC and spank my stock ic silly?? just a note....my budjet for the gtr ic was to be 500 donga's .....so yeah......any oppinons/suggestions/hate mail would be appreciated!! =)
  9. yeah im asian too and i know where skyline chick is commin from.....most of the guys that drive imports in general there give u a big stupid "what the fcuk u lookin at" greasy....wheres the luv people!!....hehe....there are nice guys that drive lines around the area....and theyre my mates......hehe.
  10. i dont drive around much in springy even though i live there but ill wave at ya skyline chick if i see u ...hehe....i saw a nice white/silver r31 at micky dee's a while back...didnt pay attention to the plates though.
  11. 3 and 4 get my vote.......sweet pics
  12. mine idles at 1000-1200 when cold...drops down to constant 800 after warmed up. u dont drive with the aircon on do u??.......hehe
  13. they must have been in the KFC drivethru and had nothing else better to do while waitin for their fried chicken!! all those bright colours mixed together very hard to spot.....hehe
  14. even better......how about infront of noble park macdonalds??.....bahhh!!!.....sorrys couldnt resist
  15. how about the pier infront of old colonnial statium/dockland appartments?? baulty is in the background lit up in all its glory.....watch out for the big pink sti sign though.....haha....theres lots of carparks/roads that meet up right under the bridge....very nice low angle shot lookin up at the bridge......
  16. im down for boobs on the bacK!! maybe 3d hollogram boobs....mmmm...boobs......
  17. came across two new wreckers today......tokyo spare parts on future rd kesborough...they deal with front cuts/off cuts....saw a silver r33 front cut outside...and the other is new fujimi or something like that....just around the corner, alot of imported secont hand parts. have a look in the new S.E yellow pages for the exact address because i cant be stuffed...hehe
  18. yeah if it aint broke dont fix it...hehe
  19. (B1) MR_fanny

    Sky Grl?

    anybody know who owns a white sky with licence plates advan?? saw it the other day....velly nie!!
  20. (B1) MR_fanny

    Sky Grl?

    yeah i think she works in safeway too....not sure which gal though.
  21. just came back from watchin the soccer at the glen.....saw some poor bastard gettin dicked by a copper/mustard undercover commonhore on springy rd after brandon park. just thought ud guys would like to know if ur ever followed by one of them. also saw an undercover silver nissan patrol/extrail....dunno one of the 4x4's fangin it down westall rd a week ago.....now i thought that was bizzare!!...hehe....im sure everyone knows about the black rexy and the red monaroe too...hehe
  22. i agree......hard to find a decent honest wrecker around.....just wondering were those indicators for ur skyline?? can dealers here get skyline parts in?? id be surprised !!
  23. just came back from visitin both.........renew on benett wanted 250 smackaroo for it.....pffft.....yeah rite.....they are more like a car yard dealership thingy......im sure they can source u any part most likely for the most expensive price:grins: as for the other place...it is more like a small importer.....nice factory too...hehe...yeah he wanted 130 for it....250-130??.....wtf? he was determining the price with his partner...obviously not in english but i could understand.....keke....so im sure i could get it cheaper .........last resort ill probably go back to these guys as it is the cheapest so far. thanks again scorp and skylnr!!
  24. sweet.........thanks guys......the car just doesnt look rite without it...hehe.
  25. hey guys im in a bit of a jam....cracked the plastic at the back that says skyline......u know that long plastic thing in between the indicators......its the clear one with the skyline in silver not the painted one......does anyone know of a wrecker in the S.E suburbs that has some skyline parts.........this part in particular. thanks in advance
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