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(B1) MR_fanny

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Everything posted by (B1) MR_fanny

  1. the most expensive brand u can find!! :grin:
  2. yeah.........i had that ac click click problem too after i quickly turned my climate on/off......its embarrasing......after 5 months and some praying it miraculously dissapeared......woohoo!! heres another wierd noise that i hear from the dash....sounds like a hard drive or a comp calculating something....any ideas??
  3. (B1) MR_fanny


    i seem to have found the perfect launch for my stockie. rev to 3-3.5k drop the clutch...wheels give a slight bleep and off i go...any more and i wheel spin..... well thats my secret colonel reciepe...hehe....lols
  4. sweet.......thanks guys for the vote of confidence......i guess i can live with payin him up front for decent pricing....see how it goes.:smiles:
  5. i second that motion........blah!!...hehe
  6. nice weather were havin!! a/s/l??.....keke.....just ignore me im just being silly
  7. hehe.......hello MILK....yes ur fittin in quite well....lolz
  8. heys......i know this probably a waste of space but has anyone purchased anything from NENGUN before?? just want to have some piece of mind before i say goodbye to my $bling bling$... cheers;)
  9. Hello ladies! should be fun.......count me in.!!
  10. Yo yO YO......w@ZuP FoOlS!! Th@t B'z Mah RyDe!@!............ NOT!!......haha....that car is just so wrong in so many ways. I've seen that car at uni too a while back in its plain glorious form....the guy who owned it then had a friend who drove a 200sx in exactly the same colour sceme. he'd probably cry if he saw what's happened to it now......i know i would......more rice anyone?? :smiles: there is a red one roaming about the S.E area just as bad...got these wierdass eyelid type stickers on its headlights.....all it was missin was a big fat firebird sticker on the bonnet...hehe...keep an eye out.....u'lll know when u see it!! hope its not anyone on this forum
  11. bought a nylon one with elastic and clips when the garage was temporarily occupied......did its job untill one day when it got really windy.....took the cover off the next day and found a heap of scuff marks on the passengers side caused by those nasty plastic rings used to thread rope thru.....baahh!!!!! and yes...i second the motion..."kill those cats" got claw scratch marks on the rear side pannel from a ferral cat....it was considerate enough to even the car out by scratchin the other rear pannel a couple of weeks later :grin:
  12. hey gohan......might be a little late of a post...haha....that was most probably my friends gtt...and the R at the back is from the evolution R sticker...hahaha....and yes....we do live in springy so i understand where ur commin from..lolz...its one sweet ride though.
  13. ive got the same prob........mechanic said it was the bearings/clutch bearings....i guess i ride the clutch at the lights too much...note to myself...no more riding clutch
  14. really.........i guess i got jibbed then
  15. hey guys.....this is my first post...figured what better place to put it than here. nick: (B1) MR_fanny name: mook location: springvale car: R33 GTS-T email: in profile icq: in profile wouldnt have a clue how to post up a pic .....maybe its for the better...haha....these should keep you busy :boobies2::boobies2::boobies2::boobies2::boobies2::boobies2:
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