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(B1) MR_fanny

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Everything posted by (B1) MR_fanny

  1. have a feel to see if there are any wires coming from them other than the indicators. usually they are empty and are there just for looks.
  2. now go get a spare key cut
  3. awaiting pics of the rear bar...cheers.
  4. yeah they are, they have a twin filter setup. i have one for my 33gtst and its different in appearance and fit to the pic posted which is obviously an example pic as stated. it makes a nice induction noise....heaps better than a pod IMO if your not the "look at me" type. helps if you have a dump pipe too.
  5. it is coming to that time of the year again.....drive safe and sensibly people....santa will give you a big f**k off turbo if you do =)
  6. welcome and welcome. track and driver training days are fun. mixed bag of lollies in terms of cars there.
  7. You guys are gonna have a fun time there. I had a blast with my mates. good old no frills asian service. don't fall into the trap of ordering because you can cause chances are you be stuffed before you know it to finish the food...ha That beef salad with that sesame mayo dressing is tops. Maybe i should go again. The residents are gonna love a convoy of lines going down their street =)
  8. lol....i like how you said "still"
  9. your pipes sound quite low in comparison to my setup. I have a second pipe that runs around/below my diff on my 33. my car is 255 in height at the rears and i got done a while back for that particular part being 90mm. the exahust place ended up heating the pipes up and bending it to sit higher which was good cause they initially wanted to do a chop job on it.
  10. my flavour got knocked back so i refuse to vote for any of them out of spite....lol curse you smiths! and the bbq coat of arms is a gay flavour, we already have bbq.
  11. I like the 400 simply because i'm a minimalist and not a fan of sideskirts that make the car arc in the middle.
  12. you do more driving. a quick hows your uncle in the morning then a bit from each trainer at each exercise. don't forget your sunscreen and hat. =) great day, super bargain price too.
  13. coincidentally there is an old thread thats been dug up here just on the same page. It should have been installed for compliance usually mounted in or ontop of the speakers. I think you can get defected for not having them in. It has been put to use driving my little brother around so it is practical.
  14. i spoke to him once to get a quote. nice guy. I still can't get my head around how he does stuff for such good prices. I've only heard good work from him.
  15. Is sexy.com.au your website or something? lol. I almost wanted to visit it just to find out. rear ended by another skyline owner in awe?
  16. maybe borderline overkill...lol I clublock my car even in my driveway eventhough i have an alarm. i'd like to see what the shifter lock looks like mounted though. your car may get nicked from the same process and then you would say why didnt someone tell me earlier how easy it was. I cut my wire years ago after someone on the forum pointed this flaw out. from memory it was the brown wire that goes into the switch unit but double check people by doing a search maybe as this is from my dodgy memory....i take no responsibility...ha you could always re join the wire if its the wrong one..lol
  17. so have you ruled out it was towed away by council?
  18. spotted black R35 GTR in springy today.
  19. Just posting that its nice to finally see the GTR on the tv again, not even sure if the 32 was ever a featured ad ever...lol. thats all...ha
  20. time to buy a powerball ticket cause luck's really on your dads side. then you can buy whatever you want. I usually let the car beside me go first in a big intersection like wellington and princes. the odd head check to see if they have all stopped has helped me out a fair bit too.
  21. so shiny you can see yourself taking the pic..ha that front lip is old school gangsta!
  22. i sit and wait when i get mine done.....for a wheel alignment only. bring something to entertain yourself.
  23. i've been to kevs advance days as well as beginner drift day and they were all fun and worth every cent. remember your sunscreen.
  24. mine used to leak from the same spot too at the gearbox. i thought it was the rocker gasket so i got that cleaned and replaced. prob came back later and got it re-cleaned and tightened by another workshop and it's still back. I then had the car up on a hoist and the mech pointed out it could possibly be coming from the oil line from under the turbo to the block so when you drive turbulence disperses the oil around the back of the block making it look like its leaking from the rocker gasket. I have yet to get it fixed but it does make alot of sense.
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