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(B1) MR_fanny

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Everything posted by (B1) MR_fanny

  1. thats a mint ride. will keep a lookout for it. i always ask this question for my own lil survey, did you have a club lock at least? I always club lock my car eventhough it has an alarm and my mates think im strange.
  2. you would think if you had a problem it would have done it before you put the pod on? maybe pop your airbox back on and see if it still does it. did you put an atmo bov on recently? nothing wrong with the stock bov in my opinon. give it a clean with electrical contact cleaner. be gentle though. should make it part of your routine when you service your car.
  3. yeah its a factory item...as above your local nissan spare parts deparment will hunt it for you.
  4. wheres the clips of it in action? your only giving us just a taste of the pie here..ha i wanna see them drop coconuts from their first floor into that thing and watch it umm...blend it.
  5. yeah just rent one from safeway, give it a quick go around and gtf outta there.
  6. ACA will have a field day with this one. i had a laugh...good one.
  7. id consider myself a short ass too, but more cause i like my seating position high and close and not laid back. I have problems getting out of my gtr seats cause its so close to the steering wheel i sometimes roll out of the door in a fetal position. i have now reverted to kicking the seat back everytime i get out...one more thing to think about but its working so far. I have no issues with the seatbelt though, maybe cause im using the compliance set for the gtst that is quite longer than the stocker gtr jap ones. on a note my compliance seatbelt buckles were too big to clip into the gtr jap ones so best to check if they can clip in before swapping anything.
  8. McGyver at its best. genius
  9. heres one for you guys, can i claim concert tickets as a part of marketing and promotion because my product is demographic based and that particular concert meets my demo perfectly for direct viral marketing?
  10. condensated usually means somethings letting moisture into the housing.
  11. im pretty sure you can get to it pretty easily, its been a while since i touched mine. 20min job to get out if you know how to take your centre dash console off. I had a big hunsman that would run across the windscreen once in a while for months...would scare the jebus outta me. found it dead in the engine bay.
  12. could be just your pump stretching its legs for the day maybe? the mounts rattling and settling in? should get someone to turn the ignition while you go hunting.
  13. holly shit F*#k batman. Id give my left nut to drive half as good as him.
  14. you can deduct office shoes if they have the business logo on them...lol same as your prada suit, you can wack your business logo on that too. Thats my understanding of how it works. stops people claiming luxury atire for business. yeah train tickets only if its job to job not home to work and back cause i guess your technically clocked out maybe? Ive been claiming paid parking when i go see suppliers/clients because i work from home so its technically from business to business. does this sound correct or am i doing it wrong?
  15. throw up some questions here or even wasteland for a broader response. there are a few members here who run their own business and im sure some are even certified accountants. unless your questions are of the dodgy im in trouble nature...ha.
  16. someone posted up a good gizmo trickle charger that you hook up to your bat and then to the wall. try searching trickle charger...im sure thats what it was called.
  17. my stab in the dark says a type S is just an NA? and a type M is a turbo.
  18. they only look good on the car if its in japan for some reason. once they hit the aussie soil they loose their appeal. i used to think it looked good 10 yrs ago, not anymore..ha.
  19. bingo thats it
  20. i like the yellow one the most. +1 for the 69 model...grew up drooling over it
  21. anyones better than bush in my opinion. man that guy is a doosh. i didnt mind mcain untill he got palin onboard. should be an interesting term in office hey? i was waiting for the wutang clan to come out on stage with him,,,lol as for the white supremasist movement, they wanted obama to be elected so they can blame him when things go wrong and recruit more followers.
  22. there was a thread a while back with numbers i and others posted up for parts. i dont know where i put my reciept for all my parts from nissan. will have a look for it and yeah do your water pump while your at it for piece of mind. check your exhaust manifold studs too if theyre broken.
  23. +1 i use the z32 too.
  24. marine grease maybe? i find w40 doesnt work for those greasy type of applications as they dry up pretty quickly
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