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(B1) MR_fanny

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Everything posted by (B1) MR_fanny

  1. yeah for $400 unless you get them tested, theyre probably shagged. I payed more for mine and one of the rear is rooted. lessoned learnt. never buying used jap shocks again..ha. then again there could be nothing wrong with them.
  2. yeah pics would help. damper is usually adjusted via a click dial ontop.
  3. i had a good chat to mick 2 weeks back getting a quote for my rear quarter. sure he is more expensive but from my conversation he went to detail as to exactly how he would go about it. I was also considering puttting on a kit while i was at it and he gave me his hoest opinions on the bodykits that are around and what to look out for. im quite particular about detail and surfacing and he answered all my questions and some. my car already has examples of the long term results of the cheaper/superficial repairs that was organised by my dad ages ago and is always an eyesore when im up close washing the car. If i can afford to do it properly the first time I would.
  4. i just saw the footage on the news break just then, silver gtr. there was a comment from a resident saying this happens every saturday or friday night which I thought was strange at the time, suggesting they were racing or something. probably wasnt a tasteful coment to be made at the time considering family and friends invloved untill proven. condolences to family and friends. take it easy out there people
  5. hijacking the thread again sorry but was it worth the swap?
  6. when did that pop up? silly question but is it a temporary or permanent fitting? there used to be steps there right?
  7. randomly flashing their lights? one of your wheels could have been falling off for all you know....and they were trying to tell ya. maybe they were telling you theres an unmarked speed camera coming up? all that you proved to them was that your a typical import hoon thrashing it off the lights. good on ya. fingers crossed you dont get anything in the mail hey.
  8. just go and get quotes from the pannel beaters then do your budget. ask them exactly how they are gonna tackle the job, have a yarn with them that way you can also judge by their character if you want to go with them or not. I did the round 2 weeks ago for my rear quart and you learn heap when you actually chat to the beaters aswell as get an idea of prices.
  9. I do most if not all that also. kinda sounds creepy now that I read it..ha. I still check for trains even thought the boom gates have finished and gone up. big intersections like the princes one at monash clayton campus i let the other cars go first before i do in case someone runs a red, abit selfish maybe but meh ive seen a few idiots run it.
  10. chopper went to school? thats a good story to tell over a beer or three
  11. ouch. engine and bonnet wrapped around the structure? engines at the back aint it?
  12. theres this big old stockyard carpark place next to dandy station down cheltenham rd that everyone uses to teach their learner kids friends. ive even seen someone practice their motokahn mini sprint there with witches hats and all. might be a bit out your way though.
  13. ive had 7 in a rexy once. 4 back and two guys sitting on each other on the passengers. I had to do a random breath test and the constable didnt know what to do. called his superior officer over and he scratched his head for a bit then let us go. everyone had their seatbelts on even the two at the front...ha. never did anything like that again after that.
  14. what do yo mean by banging? someone hitting your engine block with a mallot banging?
  15. ebay auction ending? lol
  16. they should be able to tint your sides however dark you want as i did to match my tint from japan. its the drivers and passengers windows that you have to be legall about. avoid the dodge place or at least go to someone good who does it in their driveway..lol.
  17. was it you he reversed into? a good mate that got hit cops it on the chin as an accindent and probably fork out is own money however a better mate, ie you should at least offer to pay for it and fix his first as it was your fault. have a laugh about it over a beer and maybe split the cost of the total to fix both cars if you wanna be fair about it. My dad and I reversed into each other the other day..ha..i got off second best. Its a nusance but what do you do hey.
  18. from my experience it goes down cause theres less effort on the motor than pushing it back up. It will sound like its dying when you listen to it. If you do the direct power test as mentioned it would tell you if your motor is on its way out or if its the relay/switch.
  19. its a factory option. most just have the clear bit empty next to the indicators. Ive seen foglights that fit in the airduct where the plastic mesh grill is below the indicators.
  20. shorter wheel base and weight makes your beamer more of a go cart to drive. 33's are abit of a whale but it seems like you have most of the gear to fine tune it. as teh post before what exactly are you experiencing that your not happy with. I guess you just have to adjust to its handling characteristics abit.
  21. I always thought it was a factory option as ive seen so many with the exact same thing. theyre both good cars. test drive both as usual. do you want a big or small car. do you need the extra doors? worst comes to worse flip a coin.
  22. I only went from stock so i cant compare to a single one. I wouldnt think theres a substancial benefit in dual vs single. I got it cause i saw something similar on a 33gtr some 9yrs back and thought it looked sweet. I probably would have ended up with a single canon if I hadnt have seen it..ha
  23. I think you miss read what he was saying...lol
  24. ive got a dual N1 exhaust an the pipes go alot futhur back to join up to the muffler than that. that ebay one is a pretty bad design i say. just for looks. Another vic forum member i met had a dual setup, looked very shmick. might have been custom
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