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(B1) MR_fanny

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Everything posted by (B1) MR_fanny

  1. ^^ so true cause we choose to go on this forum. Hey terry, just come out of the closet and tell us what you do for a living, advertising? marketing? we'll think of you no different..lol. you are doing a good job at freshening up the place....we just wanna know whats in it for us? promo tickets for SAU?
  2. did you go kermit green did ya? i still remember your car and super dark tint all round at the tint day. good to hear your back on the road..should get your eng cert laminated and put in a nice floral picture frame to show mr police man when they ask.
  3. dont you mean "pop off valve"
  4. ha i was thinking the same thing 20 threads back. yeah i smell advertiser, market researcher...lol he sucked us in with a few nice and easy ones first.
  5. yep...larger size like for a como. as with mad ive tried both and the medium is a tad too tight.
  6. more s2000 to me. very puegeot but then again every car looks similar to one another in some way.
  7. when it gets changed by a proper mech they put a new sticker with the odo that it was changed at written in ugly mechanical hand writing
  8. thats quite normal for stiff coilovers. i dont think you can do much really cause its been valved/designed like that. stiffer usually means less travel needed and softer means more travel to absorb bumps. does it bug you that much? i just learnt to live with it, has never bothered me yet
  9. id go rubber spacers if you dont want to bend them. isnt there some rule that you cant modify plates as they are still gov property or something like that. im sure i heard a story of someone getting done because they chopped the ends off instead of bending them. i think they turn a blind eye to bending them....maybe.
  10. cbf?...lol why didnt you just buy a turbo then a month ago? heres the two options that i see A: you put your car up for sale, avoid all the headaches and still have a car to drive till it gets sold B: put your new car off the road for a while, pump money into it, source all the parts needed and still end up with a car that wasnt really engineered as a turbo depending on how far you go.
  11. ha...great ad everybody loves monkeys!
  12. ive got the dual one which is spec R? i dunno anyways ive set my ration to 45% and gain to 12%. and limited boost to 11 psi, just do a kpa conversion on google, i think its like 0.75 or something like that. I used a website that guides you in setting it up but i cant find it now. the jist is you have 4 settings right so you road tune your car in incraments so you start of with say 10 gain and set up your ratios to 30, 35, 40, 45 in the 4 presets. when you road test you just compare the diff between the 4 settings. going too high will overboost and you will hit R&R the gain theoretically determins how fast the turbo spools up. i personally found going a higher gain for me say 15 did make it spool faster but for some reason it wasnt delivering it to the wheels so i settled for 12. hope that helps ya. remember this is all from memory so to cover my ass do it at your own risk...lol
  13. maybe you just didnt connect your coil packs properly.
  14. whats really sad is if they really wanted to steal your car they would....flat bed truck and all. Its those shit kickers that you try to deter. a really good imobiliser and installation will generally do the trick. some guy went to the trouble of welding a box over the unit to the chassis..ha. the longer it will take the more risk it will be to the theif so he will move onto the next poor fella. unfortunately i find people just ignore alarms going off in general unless its damn annoying like if it was hooked to your horn then they would give a shit..ha something to think about.
  15. its a mix bag really. you could put the same driver in a skyline and they would do the same thing...ha
  16. now thats different!
  17. thanks...well i got a pfc and z32 thats been sitting here for a while. im on that fence whether i should tune it as is with the stock turbo or fall off the fence and go all out and be done with power mods. Id be quite happy with 250kw and super responsivness. ive seen pics of the kit and that dump pipe sure looks nice. what do these kits go for?
  18. i generally find its the people not cars....eg old people, interstaters/out of towner, generally people who are clueless.
  19. you should ring them up and ask for a break down as to how they go that figure
  20. i dont drive it much but i put 40 everyweek so if i dont drive for a week i feel better when i fill up next week as i think im getting more. denial is good sometimes. its all those darn speculators that jack the prices up. ooww i heard barry might buy 3 pairs of brown socks at dimmeys, better play safe and jack up the oil price in case he does. even the oil producers cant put a price on their oil.
  21. more drunken people to dodge later in the night..lol should be interesting.
  22. it looks like theyve bent the roof lip also which might mean body work. as for the seals and plastic surrounds id just buy some off a wreck and replace it cause your ones look rooted.
  23. im intrigued. dunno much about turbos but this one seems to address what i want. responsive, easy to drive. im not a top speed person more twisties. what do these kits go for and where can i buy one? are these low mounts still and would i need to upgrade my injectors? appologies for the noob questions...ha
  24. i dont think theres a fuse for power windows othwise your drivers side wouldnt work either. its likely the motor is dying or dead, or conections need to be cleaned. try and put direct power to it to see if its dead.
  25. yeah i club lock and alarm too and leave nothing to tempt people. hide my ebc and stuff. friends used to ask why i club lock even though i have an alarm, i always say its better to be safe than sorry. heck i even club lock my car if i park it in my driveway at night. i pull the fuel pump fuse if i park in a dodgy car park with no attendant for the whole day. so yeah club lock alarm imobiliser kill switch cattle prod
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