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(B1) MR_fanny

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Everything posted by (B1) MR_fanny

  1. thats my general opinion of japan...they live extremes...very conservative and all but absolute crazy when they go postal. seems like they take alot in regards to work with all the heirachy thing bottle it up and bam they explode. where as in most western worlds people just dont take too much crap from seniors and tell them to shove it when theyre sick of it. shame about the 4 innocent people though.
  2. +1 you pay they do unless its rediculously dangerous for you and the car.
  3. so much valuables in your car mate? wallet too? will keep an eye out.
  4. are they laughing with him in politeness or at him?
  5. are the skirts gun metal or black? hard to tell in the pic thanks
  6. see if someone is wrecking one or get a re-enforced rubber induction pipe like that of bass junkys one. Ive got an arc box still running the stock pipe. ive got the bass junky pipe but have yet to fit it.
  7. rememeber there are two big plastic clips kinda like big fat bull clip thingys below where the headlights meet the grill...somehwere around that area. If you have taken all the bolts off then these will be the only things holding it. you can slide something thin say 2mm or so inbetween to lever and pull out the bar but make sure you dont lever too hard as it will snap. just enough to pull the bar out.
  8. ive seen a hand full. they dont look bad to me though they do look more like a girly car now. maybe its the hatch thing.
  9. at least you've figured out how to take they keys out the ignition
  10. welcomen! those tyres look super low profile or theyre 19"? how comfy are they? wait a minute, you dont get potholes in japan do ya, must be a southern hemisphere thingy.
  11. looks very boring....reminds me of those cheap chinese remote toy cars.
  12. sure your steering wasn't locked?
  13. you made baby jesus cry!
  14. FI for the win....never been...missed the workshop day too. are you gonna have another one? p.s have no idea what your promoting bit it sure does sound good.
  15. that looks pretty cool....how does it go with absorbing vibration and more importantly can you scale buildings with it?
  16. you sure they werent testing out ROBOCOP?
  17. i was replying to br3ndans message.
  18. its roughly $50 per end so $200ish + allignment so it sounds about right. you can do it yourself if its just coilovers, I did and just pay for the alignment. doing the whole bush thing is another story as some of them need a pressing machine and a bit of labour hence the cost. you will need camber kits at least if your going lower than stock ride. A good shop will look over your car and tell you if you need to replace them or not. most of the time you dont need to. have a look at sydney kids suspension group buy. might save you a couple bucks
  19. good stuff! honesty is quite rare now days. I've had people crack the shits with me cause I ask too many questions or pics when I'm about to buy something.
  20. 1.5 bar is what you have in your avatar. have a look at pre 95 models to see the original series 1 bar which isnt that nice to look at.
  21. isnt just a turbo an Mspec
  22. ha....i would have paid top dollar to see that!. gotta have that homer beanie i see at big W too. wheres the pic of the easy on the eye receptionist.
  23. i2obert mentioned it..lol Im sure they know how to cop verbal abuse but I dont know any guy that would put up with being spat at.
  24. well in vic its deff illegal for all the reasons you stated. stock pipe return looks fine if its done properly. in the end its your call if you want it to look good or be legal.
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