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(B1) MR_fanny

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Everything posted by (B1) MR_fanny

  1. as long as theyre "speeding" cameras and not "import" cameras, we have nothing to worry about. dont speed!
  2. it is a job and they are "supposed" to be professional. getting a bouncing license doesnt give you the right to let loose on people but at the same time patrons "chop asses" shouldn't instigate things and not expect a beat down. spitting at someone is very disrespectfull in my books. the guy got what he deserved, unfortunately the bouncer wasn't smart enough to get him into the camera's blind spot.
  3. great pics
  4. yep i had to swap my stocker bush onto the aftermarket shifter i got. it is slightly loose and rattles too in 3rd.
  5. i thought this was a whitney thread. gotta have those sewage pipes!
  6. is it just quarter mile? would be cool if it was a street or mountain run.
  7. my blitz ebc doesnt tick. it does have rubber mounts though so maybe thats absorbing it. it really sounds like the solenoid from what your saying as it increases with rpm and only happens when theres boost. whack your stock solenoid back on and compare.
  8. thrust bearing isnt that expensive $60-$100, i cant remember just plucking numbers. I'd say labour is the same as doing your clutch so 250-350 cause your dropping the box out. so its a waste of money i say if your just replacing the bearing unless you got heaps of money to waste...ha. people usually do the bearing and spigot bush when they upgrade their clutch I went for a good 2+yrs before I replaced it only cause my clutch died.
  9. yeah quite.....lol backyard mechanic....whatever fits really..ha should have taken a pic
  10. they're so orange they remind me of oompa loompa's...with arrows. going to the toilet would be the least of their worries.....food and disease would be a higher concern for them. its just like camping....when you need to go you go and figure things out after the deed..ha
  11. what about that thing with that chick that went out with wain carey and the next day they turn on her saying shes a hooker..haha. ACA and TdayTnight are top acts.
  12. c's are 25 or 30% I think. I'd probably go the C's as its half the price. You don't have to be worried about quality if you buy original C's not copy ones. The only nismo ones are the 10%, havent seen the 25% ones yet.
  13. controls your revs/gears so you dont break traction in the snow/wet or something like that i think.
  14. just test drive it and compare. power delivery is very different to a skyline though they do look nice
  15. depends on who your dealing with...some people do some dont. does look a tad dodgy when a company invoice is sending you a gift. if you get away with it all the better but dont be shocked if you don't. Check the customs website to see how they charge.
  16. might be a compliance thing as it sure sticks out like dogs nuts.
  17. +1 its pretty much straight forward. its cheaper now than it was before. dont forget to factor in custom tax when you purchase anyting over 1k
  18. for the 33 you cut the brown wire that goes to the module from memory. it will lock but not unlock. not sure if its the same for 34
  19. Onya jack and the misus
  20. get a hybrid dont like new facelift i like the old one better.
  21. green is good right? red is bad? post a pic up. to lazy to go to the car and look. does it have any pic on it? lol on it being a timing belt light...that would be funny.
  22. my routine is hose down car soap - i let it foam up heaps and dab it on in an up and down manner rather than scrubbing it back and forth scratching the car wool mit - hand clean the car with the pile of soap already on it rinse shammy i do this late at night so i can take as long as i need to sponge the car down and shammy. it only cost me $4 total to wash my car. i bought a high pressure hose 2weeks before the restrictions. have only used it once since then. have they lifted restrictions yet so i can wash at home now?
  23. yeah it does seem to be all mates of mates things but I do clearly remember a melbourne arts doco where someone had the workshop for hire setup. that was way before the public liability thingo so it might have stopped not so long after that. i finished uni ages ago. the workshop supervisor was great. he had a mate that had a setup at his property in the sticks and would allow some students to work there on their own personal projects. like you said mate of a mate thing. unfortunately I've lost contact with him. managaed to find one woodwork place in williamstown that might offer something. will have to sus it out abit more.
  24. that sounds like a logical arguement....good stuff.
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