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Everything posted by R33S2

  1. Daytimes jobs are rare at the Catwalk Club, good luck Anna
  2. All I hear is winge winge winge, ITS A DROUGHT not some scheme by the Gov to pull us in line, people are going out of business, football feilds are dying and all you care about is washing you car?? Your not worried about flushing the toilet or wearing clean clothes, JUST OMG MY CAR IS DIRTY.
  3. You can pay all the taxes you like, they cant pull water out of thier arse not matter how much you pay, if you cant stand the heat get of the kitchen, go find a town somewhere that has heaps of the stuff, either that or do your thing and get caught fullysiculleah.
  4. they are still there, they just arent issues anymore
  5. I used to have them too.
  6. And you Shane? Beating them off with a stick?
  7. So put your feet up, relax, deep breaths, now what seems to be the problem?
  8. Ive been working on my Flymo lawnmower, free mower $20 fuel tank $6 spark plug(what a rip) and fuel line and shes a goer, its a bit tired I think I might give some leaf blower action on the carb, that will float it.
  9. Lame is as lame does, missed the therapist?
  10. you dont show in the user reading bit, my cutnpaste skilz are limited
  11. Gidday Nismo_Boy, impact_blue, Along for the ride, bboybrisbane, Im back yeah
  12. Can I bring my mate in his sikassik gemini?
  13. Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away.
  14. Or most probery a winning blooper
  15. It might even make the TV news
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