My drivers window started acting up, it would wind down fine and go back up fine, unless it went right down and then it would click inside the door, only when the engine was running, I suppose it is the winder motor trying to wind down further from a dry joint repedatly contacting, then it would take some jiggling of the switch to get it to go up.
After reading this thread I pulled the switch out and can confirm there is no relay in the Series 2 just the switch, I went over all the soldered joints with a soldering iron. It is quite hard because there are 2 boards, one on top of the other, that maybe able to be seperated but I didnt dare, but managed to get all the major joints and most of the minor ones.
It works fine now but if it starts up again I will try to get another one.
I would post up pics but cant figure this new IP Board system out yet.