I have read a few of your posts anjoO, and I must say your english skills leave alot to be desired, but what I find amusing/annoying is your attitude toward ppl that are helping you. WHY? because you seem to be the guy with all the money but no sense how to spend it, you start a topic and then leave it, no feedback unless it effects your wallet, fair enough you know zip and want help, but if you gave advise and got zip in return your respect mark would drop too.
Are you proud of the fact that you saved 8gs (I would be), or the fact that you drove a car worth 3 times that and say you owned it? Dissing others because they drive what they can afford is not a means for creditability esp when YOU DIDNT pay for all of yours, if you want cred get a bit of empathy in ya.
It sucks what happened and if your asian (sorry if your not) you will get attitude from bogans, like it or not, learn to laugh at them, after all the reason they do it is to brag to mates wat a ToUgH cnut they are, and they dont brag about being laughed at, if they get the shits ignore them but steppin up to the mark and having a go with them is
A. Lowering yourself to thier level
B. Risking what happened to yourself
I can understand your reactions to this thread, your in shock, you dont like the rep you've earned yourself and your day sucked, but it was all very entertaining and drew alot more attention to your little universe, so you must be happy with that. lol