Can I add anything that hasnt been said? Not really but I just taught my nephew to drive a manual (auto boy) his main concern was burning out the clutch or bunning hopping, its embarrasing yes but he got the hang pretty quick, even after 28yrs of driving if I get in an unfamiliar car the clutch is always different and it takes a while to adjust but my rule of thumb is listen to the motor and if it struggles when letting it out start again with higher revs and ease it out evenly, most cars produce power over 2000 rpm, below that youll stall, above say 2500-3000 youll bunny hop or wheel spin. Its how you let it out that really counts and remmember your in control not the clutch. When I'm stuck in traffic I sometimes wish I had an auto but only then, cant wait till they perfect the constant variable drive but it will never be as much fun a RWD manual.