I put the stands on under the chasis rails behind the diff area mine go quite high so it was about a meter off at the back. first remove the exhaust pipe, mine had a flange just in front of the diff and then remove breather, then, with hand brake on, loosen all the bolts on the drive train (5 each side of the diff and 4 on each end of the 1/2 tail shaft) I took off the bracket that crosses under this shaft to make it easier to remove it, and remove 1/2 shaft. Then the 2 bolts at the back are really hard to get at, I ended up putting the socket on the nut then putting the extension in to undo them and when you get to a certain point take the socket off and undo by hand cause you cant get the nut out with the socket on it!!! then I put a jack under the diff undo the fornt two bolts and push it forward while lowering it. Getting it back in is tricky but not difficult if you have some to help, I didnt and it took 3 goes. Rassemble is not complicated as the parts are self aligned. If you need any more help PM me.