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Everything posted by DLuded

  1. anyone?
  2. anyone know what codec is required?
  3. just imported a 89 gtst and at random times it runs really rough. by this i mean it will be running smooth and then all of a sudden it'll be as if im putting my foot to the floor then releasing it. it jerks back and forth every time i put my foot on the accerlerator. when i take my foot off it just rolls but once i put my foot back on the accelerator it does it again. it jerks back and forths pretty voilently...so i go to the side of the road and the car stalls. once i start it up again it rev at about 2,000rpm for about 30 seconds. i was thinking it might be somehting with the fuel because it hadnt been started in about 5-10 months im guessing so all the sediment and crap in the fuel would have sunk to the bottom of the tank. when the car arrived the fuel was nealy empty and i drove it for about 5 minutes with this petrol. im thinking this may have cloged up some of the fuel system also how do i check the engine diagnostic? any thought?
  4. im still waiting to get it regoed i was driving to get the blue slip (yeah right) so it was purely legal. ill get it regoed next week
  5. any idea as to how much r33 front calipers cost as i already have the front discs
  6. i didnt have to get a high rear break light. i have a gtst with standard wing. if ur in sydney and bringing in a gtst which doesnt have a wing u can bowwor mine if u want
  7. PM if you have one THX
  8. hey, just wondering where u guys bought the hose from? i bought it from auto-one and it doesnt fit. ive tried a few other stores and cant find a hose small enough to fit to the back of the boost guage
  9. when i got my car engineered i thought everything was going to be done for me to go and get the blue slip but they forgot a few things like new VIN plate, had to get the car weighed at a weigh station etc. all these things really start to piss you off
  10. i havent had my car regoed yet so i rang the RTA up about driving the car unregistered. they told me it was LEGAL to drive the car to the place i am getting the blue slip done. all i had to do was place a piece of carboard over the number plate saying "blue slip at_______(where ever u are getting the blue slip at)". so thats what i did
  11. do u have the alternator?
  12. have a 1989 r32 gtst and the altenator doesnt charge the battery anyone out there have one? thx
  13. get a loan, negative gear it (has many advantages such as tax breaks) and if you buy wisely you will only have to pay a small amount each week on top of the payments. later on when ur older you be laughing. also capital gains with property now is looking positive- however i really wouldnt rely on houses doubling their value each 7 years. its may have happened in the past but prices can dramatically fall aswell. the higher the risk, the higher the return. if you want a 100% secure investment then something like a government bond is the answer, but remember the returns aren't that great. however, after studying finance for 3 years ive found out that financial advisers are nothing but scum. they are extremely unethical and in some cases all they do is give you advice so their own personal portfolios will increase in value. the answer is to look around and do research before you invest in anything
  14. anyone have a cheap set of 4 with atleast 70% tread?
  15. can u put the t-pice in the same location with a r32?
  16. hey, does anyone know where to clip the wiring harness for a turbo timer in for a r32?
  17. im after the alternator if your selling it serperately
  18. bought a 1989 r32 gtst with 120,000 on the clock, manual, full trust exhaust and air filter for $6500. however like someone said above there are A LOT oef extras. heres the list: - engineer certificate ($1400) - blue slip ($80) - towing to engineers shop and then to my house (around $200) - air con degas ($300) - staorage as sydney docks for a week ($160) - rego (around $1000) - service (around $400 for oil, filter, fuel filter, spark plugs etc) then when i went to go and get the blue slip yesterday i found out that i need to get 2 rust spots fixed...theres another $500 so its probably around the same price as buying a cheap one here but u have to wait a long time. also you can look at the car and inspect it before you buy which is a mojor advantage
  19. picked up my car yester day after 10 MONTHS waiting for it... now i have to get 2 rust spots fixed before it can pass blue slips (theres more money i have to spend). im soooooo happy i have it but pissed off because i have to fork out more money oh yeah, and i really appeciate the wharfies for stealing my gear knob and cd stacker
  20. i couldnt belive when you told me yesterday it was gone...i loved that car oh well at least i can pick up mine from the engineer next week
  21. import approval should take anywhere from 2 weeks to 2 months - not very consistent
  22. on ebay there are 4 sets just search on www.ebay.com.au for "r32" heres one set http://cgi.ebay.com.au/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vi...2490653590&rd=1
  23. i had a mate do 160 in a 70 and lost it for a year i think
  24. check pm regarding shocks
  25. i bought mine from a guy in melbourne, im from sydney, and all up plus shipping it was under $300 i think. it saves a hell of a lot of time and it comes wilth all clamps and hoses. look on the thread mcnamg mentioned it should be there
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