The blood aclohol milit is the biggest bullshite thing in the world. Im on my greens Ps so its .02 for me - thats less than 1 stanadrd drink (which is less than beer) an hour. One of my female friends had 1 beer in two hours and was over the limit. I could perfectly drive after 3 beers and be sober as, but thats tnot the ponit. Alcohol affects people depending on weight, sex, fat content, drinking experience etc. To give you an example of how unreliable those breath tester are, i've been with one particular person who couldn't even stand, let alone drive, and tested himself. He was 0.00 ... and no he wasnt that stupid to drive home.
All that two beers in one hour, and one beer after are just recommendations and you can't say that you followed them in court because they mean nothing. It should be up to government to give clearer instuctions like a glass of wine is normally 2 standard drinks not 1...but what can u do. But then again it has been proven that if you are over 0.05 then you are affected by alochol and you don't even know it. Im know i've driven with people who have been over and that stupidity, but it just pisses me off when you hear of other people getting pulled over and lossing their licsence because they are say .01 or .02 above the limit...its a joke