Ive been looking for a car for a while as mine is SH!T. anyway in a recent zoom magazine (No. 53) they have an article on the best performance buys for under $10,000. Here it is:
1989-91 MX6 Turbo
1987-88 VL Turbo
1987-89 MR2 AW11
1989-89 R31 GTS/Passage
1986-89 Commodore VN-VP V8
1978-85 RX7 Series 1-3
1989-98 Swift GTi
1987-94 205 GTi
1987-90 Laser TX3 4WD Turbo
1982-87 Starion JB-JD
for more info on then cars just ask cause there other stuff like power, torque, weight, kg,kW, 0-100 and 400M. also theres insurance prices which are helpfull