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Everything posted by DLuded

  1. sorry, off to the mona vale pub to see a mates band play. i might see you guys on the way back though
  2. i reckon they look pretty good. where the hell did u get them from? never knew you had those. are you going to try and fit the other 17s or leave the tickfords on?
  3. i was surprised how much those wheels actually span. i though it would have been for about a ten of a second. anywho, off to noosa 2morrow to get blind drunk for a whole week. so damn excited
  4. not too happy jan about the fireworks. ive seen them a million times B4 but i still expected a good show. the 9:00 bridge fireworks were cancelled and the 12:00 bridge fireworks went for about 30-45 seconds due to high wind. went to bradfield park for what was surposed to be the best view and sucked balls. anywho, apart from that the night was pretty good. the funny thing about last night were the cops. SOOOOOO many underaged kids drinking in public and jay walking and the cops did absolutley nothing
  5. hahahaha, so true i was about to go but like you not really into that type of shite. anyway im just getting parra as usual. im not in the mood but hopefully after a power nap ill be ready :bonk:
  6. hahahaha, so true i was about to go but like you not really into that type of shite. anyway im just getting parra as usual. im not in the mood but hopefully after a power nap ill be ready :bonk:
  7. yeah im there aswell
  8. if its your first time in sydney and havent experienced a new years eve here then its a hell of a treat. the fireworks go OFF and they get bigger and bigger each year. the city will be packed and the chance of getting a taxi anywhere is very slim. however, ive been to bradfield park, right under the bridge, for the last 4 years and getting bored of it as its the same every year. this year is just a house party and then maybe going to manly. also like ultim8DTM5 said i wouldnt want to be in the city for NYE. i may be paraniod but im not going to go where there are millions of people in the same night due to the bloody farken terrorists threats. still have a good time. oh and one more thing. with that indoor skiing/snowborading park, that was one of many ideas for luna park's replacement but it never went through. would have been the best place to go, especially as my school was about a 2 min walk away.
  9. could it be the alternator screwing up? mines stuffing up and it damn annoying. this is just an idea but im not 100% sure
  10. yeah it is. he lives around the corner from me. i just saw him driving about an hour ago. used to have a r32 GTR but sold it
  11. just wondering where are all the r32 which were made between 89-91? ive only seen a very limited number for sale and i was just thinking is there a reason for this, like there was only a small number ever produced? does anyone know
  12. we all know that your going to a male nudie bar. along the lines of the tool shed or the taxi club . im sorry but the truth had to come out :shake: :shake: :eek: :shake: :shake:
  13. GO THE HONDA PRELUDES ive got a 1984 model and i know that you can drop in a b16a engine into mine so i think you should be able to drop one into yours. also the B series can fit in with mounts i think. go to www.honda-prelude.com because those guys know A LOT about this engine swap and many have done it. some of those cars are insane. a guy dropped a turbo into his 83 lude and is running 13.5 in the quater mile ( http://up.edu/~midehara/index.htm ). i was thinking of doing the same thing but then i thought no because it would be to much trouble.
  14. if you want your imported car to be driven on the street it has to have a complaince plate. there will only be a limted amount for many sports cars. i think its 25 a year for r32s. I heard this some where am i may be well off the actual amount
  15. if its under your dads name, then u probably would have said that u drive it a couple of days every month or so ,as everyone does,so it should be fine. taking it to court will take a while. you could give him a ring and tell him to hurry it up
  16. T04 is an aftermarket turbo
  17. should have said "one can sit on my lap and talk about the first thing which pops up." always use that line when im drunk. very funny
  18. is this the site u r talking about? www.alltrac.net/tuning/blowoffvalve.html
  19. how the hell could they prove you accelerated too fast? some dickhead coppa could just say "yes, he was accelerating too fast" and there would be no way to prove the coppa wrong. i agree with the wheelspin for a certain period of time ruling, as it indicates you are accelerating or trying to accelerate to fast but this is just a joke.
  20. good work on finally getting one. looks damn nice aswell
  21. tell that to the pole you ran into hehehehe j/j but seriously, the point of getting a car like a skyline is to fang the crap out of it. some people may not be bothered to wait and drive to the drags every week and think its a lot easier and just to drive stupidly on public roads. i personal think it would be alright to floor it up to about 80 on a public road if there is no one around and no cars on the road.
  22. auto r33 do 0-100 in about 7.5 so you should definately feel the boost. maybe the boost is simply turned down
  23. the 2 points is only for loud music and loud exhausts
  24. like R31 Skyline Chick said its all about contacts. most people over in japan wont be bothered to ship it overseas. not long ago there was a r32 gts4 which no one bided on. there was no reserve so someone could have picked it up for around $500-$800 ( i forget the actual amount )
  25. oh my god thats the true definition of rice
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