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Everything posted by DLuded

  1. holy shit, sorry to here about that mate. sounds like they did a good job keying the whole car. anyway, the only person i know with a CF bonnet is BY BY. ask him, he may know about it
  2. DLuded

    Not Fair!

    nah sorry. my dad used to rent cars out ans he used to get panels beaters and stuff like that for very cheap but now he cant...also bad luck about the license.
  3. DLuded

    Not Fair!

    well there u go. i think ur mate made a few more mistakes than my mate. also u going to repair the key scratches on ur car nissaner?
  4. DLuded

    Not Fair!

    my mate lost his license for going 60 over the spead limit. the following week he was caught with no license. he received a $1000 fine and a one years suspension. i think it all has to do with the lawyer and how good he/she is.
  5. where abouts is a drive in sydney??? i never knew there was one. i've missed out all these years
  6. after looking at realestate.com.au it came up with between $160-$1000. there are a few around the $200-$270 mark. All close to the beach which is good. also were do u go to UNI??
  7. DLuded

    r35 GTR?

    ive heard people say that there are no pictures of it yet but i watch a movie called "michief" , for the 20th time, and in the northern america 2002 auto show for a split second they show the back of a car and it has the GTR badge on it. im assuming its the new r35 GTR. and if this is the GTR why arent there any photos going around????
  8. yes it is, but he is making a house call. house calls for any service is expensive. also i would prefer the $130 then waiting another week or so, and spending more money replacing the locks.
  9. a gigalo anywho im not going cause im going to go out saturday and sunday nights aswell. sorry
  10. i may as well go. havent met most of u guys B4 and im up for another big night. ill get there at about 10 and hopefully i wont get lost.
  11. there were a few good things to come out of the late 80s, early 90s. the best thing was vanilla ice and "ice ice baby". i hear that EVERY SINGLE time i go out and it keeps getting better and better. and i know that everyone out there likes it. everyone knows the words.
  12. he was at skyline shops 2day at frenchs forest (a good name for a group of shops)
  13. shite, should have gone anyway hope you all had fun
  14. about a month ago about 9 of us met up for a cruise to palm beach at the same place and same time. it just good to meat up with people from around the area every now and then to catch up.
  15. Im there :burnout:
  16. im still in
  17. i love that "isthisfatz" GTR picture also just a quick question. are those 86 powerfull cars or just made to dorift?:burnout:
  18. it means u will be able to import your car but it will be harder to find compliance plates for it as they are now limited. without compliance plates you cant legally drive your car
  19. i too question the 500KW godzilla. anyway all those guys were way too confident. and the intro said that the hoons couldn't even pass "a simple driving test", a simple driving test to me would be a license test, and im sure that most poeple out there would have failed the test aswell. it was funny though to see the 200sx driver just floor it out of most corners and lose all control.
  20. just a quick word of warning... when i went about 6-9 months ago the drive way into the paintball centre was like an old country road. in a normal car everyone had to drive about 5-10kh/h because there were bumbs and ditches everywhere. you probably wont hit the ditches but you will have to drive very very slow.
  21. anyone have any room in their car cause i aint taken the prelude of doom??
  22. VERY VERY nice indeed
  23. $9500 for a gts4?? the cheapest ive seen a dealer selling one is about $18,000. GTS-4s are alot harder to find then GTS-Ts. A lot of peole dont know about them so they just buy the standard gtst. But they dont go for a lot more than a gtst, they are just harder to find
  24. mine pop out 2.5 cm. the legal size is up to 2.8 cm (i think). im not bothered to spend any money on my piece of **** so ill just leave it the way it is.
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