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Everything posted by DLuded

  1. go to www.nissansilvia.com click on classifieds-cars they have this SR20DET 180SX FOR SALE...URGENT Body Posted at 9:20:20 PM from IP (cheese124): 1990 180sx... but with 94 SR20DET just recently dropeed in at 65000km's along with 5sp tranny DARK BLUE, SUNROOF, HICAS HKS SQBOV HKS POWERFLOW AIRFILTER...with new spare filter FULL BODYKIT NEAR NEW HKS SUPER DRAGGER WITH 3 INCH TURBOBACK TEIN HR ADJUSTABLE COILOVERS HKS CAMBER ADJUSTABLE TOPS CUSCO FRONT TOWER BRACE NEW HEAVY DUTY KEVLAR CLUTCH TURBO TIMER UPGRADED INTERIOR TRIM (1994 RPS13) DARKEST LEGAL TINT RECENTLY SERVICED @ NISSAN DEALER WITH REPORT....its in good nick and runs smooth SOME SPARE PARTS SOME SCRATCHES....can be cosmetically fixed SELLING FOR $13000
  2. go to www.strathfield.com.au you will be able to get a good package there they used to have a sony XPLOD package for aroung $800-$900 which included: - 6" - 6x9s - 800w sub - 4x200 boss amp - cd player it was a pretty good deal but i dont think they have it anymore. try emailing them and see. every month or so they have new deals which a really cheap
  3. i know that champas isnt goon, however it is a good substitute for it. i dont like wine and i really cant tell the difference between ANY wine so if im desperite and too parra ill take goon any day
  4. did anyone see the SS cop car which was totally written off today along warringah road at beackon hill?? the whole back section was gone. just hope no one was injured also did anyone meet up at maccas last night between 9-10 for the cruise???
  5. i used to love playing those games. double dragon and then street fighter. but double dragon blew them all away with its then amazing 2D graphics. but now days there are too many games to play and if you go to timezone of some place to play them they sometimes cost $2, and those racing car simulators can cost up to $5 for one race however, now everyone has home computers so there is no real use for timezone and those place anymore
  6. nice so its the maccas parking lot on archer st
  7. can i just come to have a look at your skylines?????????? :? :? :? i wont stay cause im going out but i would just love to see them
  8. get free petrol. dad works in the car indusrty=petrol is a tax deductable heheheh :lol: dont tell anyone i dont have to pay for anything except beer i have a clear driving record. i have a 84 prelude so there no point of thrashing it cause its a piece of shit and top speed is like 2kh/h. :roll: i looked up insurance and it'll be about $4000 i think ill save up about $7000-$10000 before getting the car loan
  9. yeah i live at home i go out 1 night a week and drink, the other night i drive $50= about 15 drinks all night= enough for me
  10. lol :lol: goon is the best drink ever, however in the morning you dont feel so well you can have heaps of fun with it too. you can: 1) play the good game-see how long you can scull it while lying on the floor 2) play good of fortune- attached to a clothes line spin it around and who ever the goon lands next to has to drink some, or 3) after a big night out use the goon bag as a pillow Goon=Good
  11. thx for that the problem is that im ant UNI 4 days a week (12 hours a week which is jack all) so ill only be able to make about $200 a week and i NEED atleast $50 a week for going out hard decision
  12. champas?????? we dont drink champaigne in australia....its goon you get a good 4 litres for $12 and it'll get quite a few people legless. just a thought
  13. i was just wondering how you guys bought your cars. did u get loans from the bank and if so how much roughly is it a week. i know it depends on how much you borrow and the the amount of time to repay but i just want a general idea. im nearly 19 and thinking of buying a r32 gts4 or a r33 gtst in a year or so, but i worried about paying off such a large loan. even if it'll be about $100 a week insurance will be a bitch THX
  14. DLuded

    I am...

    yeah i have actually seen ur car driving around im very surprised though because i though i would see more skylines and silvias around my area. i only have one of each in about a 1KM radius not happy jan
  15. also isnt it illegal to walk along a highway..... there are some safety reasons anyway why dont u get ur parnets to drive u??? ...work is boring :cry:
  16. a few months ago i used to have ALL those old games on my computer. just download an emulator or search the web and you'll find them i love all the games like "alex the kid and the enchanted castle", which was built into the sega megadrive, and wonderboy. the good ol' days
  17. karringah national park?? thats the only one i know sorry
  18. also one more thing related to the topis of "urine"...not what u think when i was at school we had a login systems with the school computers. The first 3 letters of your last name and the first 4 letters of your first name. my name being ryan young, ended up being youryan......i didnt realise for a while, i maybe a bit slow, that i had such a crap login name
  19. i dont think she would prefer any of your hot beef injections j/j :lol: anyway i was just wondering how long do these cruise things go for? How long to Bathurst and Gosford and one more thing, because im a newby, where is Nasho?? THX
  20. DLuded


    i saw the same car last night. i was just about to write a post about it. i was driving in manly and i saw him. followed him for a few mins. a damn nice car
  21. nice ill probably leave B4 the harbour bridge anyway i gtg hopefully ill see you guys 2night
  22. ill try to get there but i finished UNI exams 2night so i have to go out with some mates if im there by 12.15 im there it'll be funny though an 84 prelude vs a skyline
  23. ill take on all ur skylines at chatswood with my 110HP Prelude. its a 10 second car.... Thats 0-100 on 10 seconds
  24. DLuded

    I am...

    the only skyline ive seen and actually seen the number plates is a GODZILLA with plate ZILLA or GZILLA , something like that but i forget. I havent seen a lot of skylines around but when i do i cream my pants in a split second
  25. DLuded

    I am...

    hey roger, how old are u cause i know a lot of guys aged 17-19 from hurtville
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