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Everything posted by linkems

  1. lol did you mean they look good? nothing shit about these rims mate
  2. Hey if any one has a state of trance tickets for sale, shoot me a private message with your price. Cheers Pat
  3. hi I did a bit of searching and found that the r32 o2 sensor thread is 12mm, with a 17mm head. Does anyone know the pitch and length? Cheers Pat
  4. Has any one got a nice handling 32 gtr? care to share your suspension setup? I've come up with something decent but still bit of understeer
  5. great price mate, and not bad lookin rim i have a set my self. But nothing light weight about them
  6. Ecu will only make changes in closed loop and low load driving for fuel economy using the narrow band o2 sensor, every thing else in high load the ecu does not alter. Raising the boost above stock will have the car run into higher load cells, the question is whether it's safe or not to run the car in those cells.
  7. Have you bothered to search mate?
  8. how do you find the springvale caltex? thats literally 2kms from my place but i was thinking of going southland stuff for more consistency when i eventually get around to getting a retune.
  9. do you know the actual thread/pitch of the 02 sensor on the 32 or 33
  10. 37km/h 63km/h 91km/h 119km/h 159km/h Link r32/r33 have same gear ratio
  11. they look fantastic i wouldn't have thought any sort of shine would work well but they turned out great. Is there any reason why you went paint instead of powder coat? I get a lot of mixed reports from different people but i have been told paint is better because it will only scratch as oppose to powder coat which will flake.
  12. thanks justin clutch that was just a random picture from google . Jump on ebay some asi performance guy selling em for around $15 delivered. I think i might get my engine hard pipe tapped instead though, will look neater.
  13. block factory recirc valve (bov) and run a pod filter and you should get some good noise happening. As for perfecting pitch of the dose, well you need some TOOL to fabricate you a metal induction pipe to replace most of the rubber.
  14. Hi i'm about to put in water/oil temp gauges etc... There's a bit of report that running one of those radiator aluminum hose adapters causes corrosion, does any one know the reason behind this. I might also add that i do vaguely remember someone telling me that brass with aluminum causes corrosion. If this is the case why do the stock sensors with the factory alloy pipe not cause any corrosion. Will mixing stainless steel with aluminum be a better idea? cheers Pat
  15. Very nice, who did you get to powder coat and what did it cost if you don't mind me asking.
  16. Marko what is this surging at light throttle your referring to, what does it feel like while driving the car. Cheers Pat
  17. Thought i might add to this awesome e85 thread, during my z32 ownership there was a lot of talk about ethanol causing corrosion to injectors. In an early model z32 89-94 they ran pintle style injectors which recieved constant 12v powering the injectors even when the car is off, when using ethanol the alcohol creates a conductive bridge which caused corrosion over time. The later model z32 95+ were fitted with popett style injectors and did not have 12v powering injectors when the key is off, no injector failures have been reported with this setup. It is a common mod in the z32 community to rewire the the injectors to only power 12v when the key is on, to stop the corrosion on pintle style injectors. On poppet style injectors there have been no reported failures even with the 12v circuit still intact. I would assume other Nissans of the same era might share similar wiring circuit for the injectors. Definitely something to look into if running e85, hope i didnt open up a can of worms
  18. Hi I need to buy water temp sensor adapter to fit inline with the radiator hose. Does any one know what size inner diameter the top radiator hose is on the r32 gtr. cheers
  19. awesome got it working, thanks mate
  20. Hi just wondering why my boot latch isn't working in my r32, it unlocks fine with the key. My mate has the same problem in his r32 as well, I'm assuming our cables to the latch has snapped? Is this a common problem how have people gone about fixing it? Cheers
  21. z32 use side feed injectors not top
  22. The methanol will raise your octane up significantly higher so you'll be able to run some nice timming, whilst the water will drop combustion temperatures. Spend a few hours reading these 2 links Everything you need to know about WI Water injection forum
  23. I've been trying to find info on this from what i've come across, factory oil temp sensor uses a m12-1.25 thread. I think the greddy sensor runs a 1/8'' npt thread. So they will not fit, you can buy a 1/8" NPT to M12–1.5 brass fitting adapter, not sure if they make m12-1.25 adapters though.
  24. If your testing for fuel economy your not going to be opening her up so jumping from one 98 to another 98 will be fine, as your car is always under light load. Even if you decide to thrash your car your tuner should have left a margin in the tune to stop car from pinging, for this exact situation. I don't know how much truth to this there is but I've even read that storing the fuel in your tank will slowly degrade the octane, so even if it were 98 if left for long enough it will be lower. So unless your tuner is an idiot or you specifically told him you want to run the car to the limits with aggressive timing, i don't see a problem.
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