Hey there,
i recentley installed my cooler the same size as yours (Hybrid copy), i have a series 1 R33 with the stock front bar. Unfortunatley these kits do require a bit of work. Not really that hard just time consumeing, i had to grind out a few centremeters of plastic from the inside of my front bar to get the cooler sitting in there nicely. i used an angle grinder and file to finish it off, looks ok. U might want to allocte a few hours just for this task to get it right. Then there's the hole u have to cut in the side of your car for the pipe that leads in2 your tb. plus i made my own brackets...I've heard u r supposed to take the front bar off 4 the install, i didn't and didn't run in2 any problems. Hope this helps.
P.S: still waiting for silcon reducers to turn up in the mail b4 i can test drive the car but when i do im hoping there is a noticeable power increase for all my effort. I intercooled my last car and power increase was pretty damn decent, hoping these 33's r the same thoughts/results ne1 else?