Yeah I know, just irritating as I was paying the same day every month and had been for a while - then one month the day they sent happened to fall after my usual pay day. Now make sure I wait for the bill
yes they are, on their flexi loan til the end of the year
He already has the CC though, so should be one less? Probably my circumstances, but never had any issues with my report to date.
Yeah, fkers, late fee for paying early :-/
Credit card - then do balance transfer to low interest credit card transfer deal
Just don't use the card for anything else. Shop around for other deals though, the citibank card has a $250 a year fee
Still can't believe they offered one once with 3.99 for the life of the transfer
Haha, just thought I'd see. I want to uni with Nick, so knew his was one of the first and he'd sold it before it was completely finished. Was an awesome conversion though, very stock looking.
Agree with protective clothing, not with high-vis. Especially gloves and boots, no one makes that shit.
Why not make all cars hi vis too then - there'd be less accidents.... apparently
Hi-vis + siren + flashing light still doesn't work
Better driver education/training on spotting things that aren't cars would be good (or even just in general...)