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  • Birthday 30/09/1978

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    Banjo country

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    Oz Del R32 GTR
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  1. This is mine. ADM GTR build number 5 or 6. Depending on who's list you go by. Uploaded with ImageShack.us
  2. Used to work for a Oil and gas company that used to use what are called 12V149 Detriot diesels as big water pumps. Sound fantastic when they working hard. 12V meaning V 12 engine. 149 being. 149 cubic inch per cylinder. Big. Use huge amounts of fuel. and leave you with smile a mile wide.
  3. Late comer onto this thread. Haven't been on SAU for a while now. Here's my OZ R32. Black. 102,000km Unsure to whom and where it was sold to originally. Nothing written in the books ??? VIN:15973 Believe to be owner or raced by Kevin Bartlett at some stage. Not sure if that was just a sale pitch form the guy I bought it from (sounded good at the time). If any one can shed a bit of light on that subject would be good. It has definitely been raced at some stage of its life as it has a number of holes in the body which would indicate a role cage. I've had it for nearly 8 yrs now and still have a huge grin from ear to ear after driving it.
  4. Just wondering has any one got any idea on what a 91 Australian Delivered R32 GTR is worth. Its black 103,000km. By all account Jim Richard and Kevin Bartlett raced it in the Targa Tasmania. It fairly well stock. In Very good condition. Any help would be great.
  5. Yeah R12 got phased out in about 2000. But there is a gas out there called ER12. Its a blend gas made by origin. Really good stuff. If you are doing alot of A/C it would pay to look into it. Both ER12 and -30 or minus 30.
  6. If you can get him to put a gas in there called -30 or even ER12. Alot of place don;t like as on later model car (2000 and on) have a seconday low pressure cut out switch in the compressor and it can play up. The other thing alot of A/C places don't like about it is the fact it has A % of butane (BBQ gas) in it and that scares alot of people off. The % is VERY VERY low and would never cause any issue. In fact butane is one of the best refrigerants around The beautiful thing about -30 or ER12 is they run ALOT lower head pressures, so the stress on your A/C is alot less which in turn lower the chance of leaks. Also not as much power to drive the system. I have it in my R32 GTR and it works a treat. When I was running 134A in there the A/C was ok but on hot days it just wouldn't keep up. Put -30 in and cool as. Just to prove how much more efficient it is a R32 GTR takes approx 750 grams of 134A and of -30 it took 275 grams. Head pressure are down by approx 40%. Hope that is of some help.
  7. Hey All Was just wondering is a VL (RB30) starter the same as the the starter on a R32 GTR. Any help would be great. Cheers
  8. Hey all. Just wondering is the starter from a VL (RB30) the same as the one in a R32 GTR. Any help would be great. Cheers
  9. Well MYRB30 my name is Craig And I have been a Diesel mechanic for approx 13 yr now and I still love it. It has taken me to more than 30 countries through out the world and I have been making alot more than 100k a year for over 10 yrs now. In fact I cracked the 100k in my 3rd yr. Every day as a mechanic is a new day you never stop learning. I will agree with you, it is hard on the body and you work with some very crusty chemicals, nothing worse than what most kids do to them selves @ night clubs now adays. (Geez I'm starting to show my age) Being a diesel mechanic has now taken me to be part of a team that rebuilds gas turbines for power generations. In fact last week I finished a install on a 35,000hp (26,100kw) gas turbine. When things like that fire up it puts a smile on your face. Yes the mines and slowing in Oz, but there are still a huge amount of them booming all over the world. Oz is a very little place in the big scheme of things. I done all my time in the oil and gas industry and i know that they are screaming for good trade people world wide. This crap that you have to have uni degree has been the best thing for people who are willing to work and have a trade, as there is a huge shortage of qualified trades people. I was going to go to uni and do my degree in mechanical engineering, and looking back now I am so glad i got a trade. I was also going to do my trade as a car mechanic and also glad I didn't. Diesel mech are highly sort after. They are trained in a wide range of other trades. Welding, fitting & turning, auto elec, Refrigeration, and many more. Boiler maker and electricians are also very highly sort after. In my opinion DamageInc do a trade. You wont regret it. Car mech don't make good money and that is common knowledge. If you become a diesel mech you will still be able to fix your car. Having a trade opens your windows to alot of other opportunities it just comes down to you and if you want to do it enough. It would be good to get one of those prevoc courses, but most places that are taking apprentices on are looking for people that are confident well presented and will to have a real crack. don't go in half cocked and not sure if you want to do it as they will walk all over you. I never had any prevoc courses. in fact I was changing tyres in a servo so that I could save some money before I went to uni and was watching the diesel mechs working and said to my self, I want to do that and I started putting my name out there.
  10. Spotted a very very burnt out 2 door R31 on the Sturt highway between Gawler and Nuri on my way to work on Monday morning. Must of recently stopped burning cause it stank.
  11. Check your gear box oil again and if it down then yes you are losing oil some where. You don't need alot of gear oil on hot metal to make alot of smell. Horrible smell isn't it.
  12. Is this purely a show and shine or do they have trade stands there as well ???
  13. Yeah good mates with the Catfords. And sorry will be at work so no track day for me. Have a good day.
  14. At that hr of the morning I'd be more worried about those big bugs with long tails that hop alot and don't really just leave a little smudge on your paint when you hit them, More a front end write off. Geez I hate roos.
  15. So can I still just turn up on the sunday morning and enter or not. As it will be a last minute thing If I come as I have a 2 hr drive to get to adelaide. And getting down without smashing bugs all over the front of my car isn't the easiest at this time of yr.
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