Yes that is my engine bay, as u all can see my car looks stock i dont see any reason why they should have pulled me over ok if i was racing, speeding,doing burnout or something ilegal yes by all means pull me over give me the fine or do what the law states, but i was doing nothing just doing 100kmh in the right lane talking to my best friend about how good this cruze was going to be then because i drive a skyline with personalised plates i get pulled over i just wanna know why do they have so much power to just pullover anybody that they fill like. What about all the other rust buckets like most off the d@#$heads that drive fords and holdens that are about to fall apart why dont they concentrate on geting them of the road there a hazard and they endanger peoples life. My car i work 5-6 days a weeks doing up to 10hr a day to be able to do it up and have a car that i can be proud to go out cruzeing and go to car show. This is my hobby why should i give up my hobby just because the cops rekon that were hoons, because its not us it 90% of the holden, ford and kids that borrow there mothers exel that do burnout and other stupid things at bwcp and other places because they think there cool in there moms exel or holden they dont know how it fills to buys ur own car and work all week to try and do something to it. My car has only been on the road for 2 months its been in the workshop for the last year because i had to work my ass off to get the money to make that engine what it is like.And by the way they will never stop me from doing up my car i will always find a way and i will keep cumming back they take my car off the road this week it will be back next week with a lot more mods and they wont be able to touch me from now on unless they have a warant to serch and to inspect my car no warant no search.And they better be ready to be video taped when they pull me over because that what i will do everytime bey pull me over.