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Everything posted by habibskyline

  1. What can the stock auto gearbox handle? (in RWKW form?)
  2. Yeah, but it states in bold, "committed on or after 11 July 2005"...because i got caught driving unlicensed before july 11th, so does it mean if you do a serious driving offence only on or after july 11th you can't drive it? Hmm...? Might have to give the RTA a call on monday anyone else know?
  3. hey all I just got my license disqualified last thursday for 12 months, now i need to know whether or not i will be able to drive my skyline when i get my license back next july? I have owned the car since last december, and it is registered in my name? So will I be able to continue driving it, cause i'm not sure if i have to sell it or keep it?? Thanks heaps guys
  4. does increasing the boost from stock to 12psi raise the rear wheel KW too??
  5. na dont remember any large bang or crunch at all...drove it perfectly fine to my mates house, turned it off... on the way back, tried boosting it, wouldn't go past gear 2 while accelerating, how ever it goes perfectly fine into 3rd and 4th while theres no acceleration applied and just let it roll?? I'll try to do a oil flush and let ya no thanks
  6. Hey guys i have a R33 gts-t Automatic, its having some weird problem, i have no idea what it is it started happenign yesterday, the car will only seem to go to gear 2 highest when appling acceleration, i.e if i floor it, it will only go to redline in gear 2, and just keep bouncing off the rev...it is in Drive... when i let go, it goes into gear 3 i believe, but as soon as i apply the slightest throttle...the car goes straight back into gear 2, ? its as if its slipping? i put new automatic transmission oil in, but the oil got burnt straight away...no idea? anyone no? please help! i hate it
  7. damn this sucks i heard they have to issue the court summons within 48 hours? is this true? if not they cant take u to court, they did not give me anythin on tha nite, not one peice of paper, u think i can get away with it????? should i denie i was drivin
  8. yeh im on a good behaviour bond for assault, but it just says to be of good behaviour. so im think thats gonna screw me up bad...anyone no what im lookin at??? should i please guilty or non guilty and think of a good excuse?
  9. i am also on good behaviour bond , does that make things worse?
  10. ne 1 else no????????? thats bs that means i cant drive my skyline till im 25 or so
  11. damn so that means i cant drive my skyline after ay? Anyway to get out of this mess
  12. yeah he is gonna help pay the fine, so what do u guys think will happen? and anyone no what a section 10 is? also is it possible to go on a Good behavious bond while being a P plater?
  13. honest answer is... i was taking a mate home...on the way back to my place i get pulled over, i no stupid
  14. i drive a r33 GTST, im a p plater, 18 end of this month i lost my license back for a 3 months suspension in late march and i am meant to be getting it back june 27th, but a few nights ago, i got caught drivin without a license again i had only 2 more weeks and this would of been all sweet, i cant believe it I now have to attend a court summons soon, i have a FEW questiosn i would hope can be answered 1. Does anyone know what Im lookin at? How long suspension? and how big fine? 2. is there anyway to appeal or get out of this? I heard something about a "section 10" ??? 3. Will i be able to drive my Skyline after i get my license back, lets say if its a 12 month ban? Im a red P plater Im just hopin i can drive it, i only had it for 2 months b4 losin my license in march, then now this, i h8 it thanks
  15. umm the gtst realistcly would do in the 16s, lets not kid our selfs i owned a R33 GTS-T with a mad exhaust, runnin 12psi boost and it only ran into the high 15's low 16's... a 32 is only 2.0l as well, so it would run high 16's
  16. gtr or gts-t a gtr 32 would probbaly run in the 12's while a gts-t would run about 16's
  17. hey, does anyone no the prices for a R33 AUTO Series 1: Front Cut? and a Nose cut? And have many ppl ever had their front cut Welded on? Im thinking of doing this to mine as i Crashed my car...would this be the best way to go? Thanks
  18. Thanks alot Beauie
  19. hey guys im lookin at gettin a new car after i sell my skyline... what would win in a race? a Twin Turbo 300ZX...or a R33 GTS-T, or a 95 model v8 commodore? also...is a HKS Super dragger exhaust any good??? and if my right front wheel has been moved back due to a accident, how hard is this too fix?? What do i exactly need? the left one seems fine, its just the right wheel that has been moved back and does it matter if i keep redling the skyline during every gear change? Thanks
  20. mmmgtir why u laughin for? why u takin this as a joke i just totalled my skyline pretty much and i have oly owned it for a few weeks, and i just lost $16000+ and u find it funny how about we meet up
  21. i did have third party, but there car was fine... so what do u think is the best thing to do with my skyline? Fix it..keep it Fix it...sell it Strip it... or sell as is Thanks
  22. hey i posted the two pics in the first page of this thread i did not have insruance, as i could not afford it
  23. i might strip the car the engine seems fine...i do have a GTR wing, HKS Super dragger exhaust, turbo timer etc, sunroof yeah so if the qoute is above $10k i might strip it, and buy a Manual Skyline thanks guys
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