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Everything posted by NateR31

  1. call up nissan with your VIN number and they will help you out
  2. damper adjustments, pros and cons, i hear they need to be rebuilt every so often is this true? Can some one explain to me what damper adjustment will actualy do? is it the rebound rate the shock decompresses? ie, say if you were at the drags and you wanted a lil squat in the rear the damper would be low so they would go down but not bounce back up instantly? or am i just totaly off? thanks guys!
  3. so that being the reson, why wouldnt a hybrid kit have a nipple on it? take it back to where you got it and complain
  4. if you want a sleeper why put it in a VL?
  5. NateR31


    the bmw car is at my work now, alog with some others that stackd, such a animal lol
  6. NateR31

    I Did It!

  7. NateR31

    I Did It!

    yes hang on
  8. NateR31

    Tv - Lost

    i have up to ep 14, and burnt it to dvd, afaik thats all, ive only watchd upto ep6. so burn me a topgear dvd
  9. NateR31

    Tv - Lost

    id be down for some topgear dvds
  10. NateR31

    Tv - Lost

    i have season 1&2 on DVD if anyone is intrestd
  11. what? why would they be inferior if KYB make shocks for nismo, seeing nismo is big up in there on the performance upgrades. KYB is good, kyb make most suspension on standrd cars, along with alot of other parts.
  12. how do you know what the water pump has carked it? leaks all the coolent, and temp goes skyhigh?
  13. i was there, in sprit while i workd my ass off at work
  14. ohh ok i see thanks for that, and hahaha yeh i did that afew times at night with the sig :lol:
  15. well i dont know, whats the point of it then, and what thread? oh really, enzed can do a custom oil line, nice..
  16. http://www.maruto-works.com/ im trying to get ahold of this guy to ask about his custom LED tail lights for the R31, i think he sells them but i cant navagate my way around the site! I sent him a email in english, and bablefishd to japanese but no reply, mabey you would have more luck? what im after is a)are the lights for sale, B) its in DIY but there is no DYI on it, and would i be able to get one s i can make my own! Thanks alot!
  17. mabey learn how to use a toilet and it wont happen again
  18. f**k off you retard, jokes over.. and you all know exactly what i mean with the tyers. i was with a friend who just got some brand new dunlop or bridgestone some a rathers, have around 10mm brand new, and he got defectd for bald tyers, along with the car being to low on factory vspec suspension
  19. NGK BKR6E -8 I think thats if off the top of my head, but they come gappd at .8 which is what i use. they are around $2 each and i change them when i change the oil every 5k
  20. hey guys, afew questions.. was look at some turbo kits and i noticed one had a twin external gate setup on a hks t04e turbo, any reason why they would have this? twin gates hold better boost than 1? would it be needed for high boost applications where 2gates could hold 20psi better than one? and also custom oil lines, where to go for this? can you use some braided lines? im located in melbourne, if anyone can point me in the right way, would be appreciated! thanks Nate
  21. who cares, just a fancey novelty when they had the wrx cop cars. Its cool but no big deal, but you could defect them back cause they wont be stock, ecu, tyers, ect..
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