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Everything posted by NateR31

  1. Well i have a R34GTT gearbox, the twin plate im getting has a 920kg pressure plate, ive seen cheaper aftermaket clutches that have heavier, the box only has around 40,000 kms on it.. Do you know this will do any damage?
  2. dunno, i value my car :lol: ill try and get some "experiencd"people to come down
  3. i had this, i forgot to put a rubber bush, so when they went up and down the metal washer would hit inside the top hat
  4. whats so good about these/
  5. what is the drive terrain, its probably your diff, dose it go clunk when you take off slowly
  6. i already bought a new clutch, hasnt gone in yet, just wanted to know what eh ghey was going on
  7. Ive heard that heavy clutchs can bork your gear box as its putting more strain than usual on it, is this true?
  8. i have some for 340
  9. anyone can do that, but can you help with the clutch
  10. ok i have a clutch, what next rofl
  11. So heres the deal! Last week it was slipping like a $2 hooker, and i mean bad, couldnt even load it up in 5th on the freeway. Now its like its fine, it slipped for a week, and now its as it was befor! Ive already looked at some clutchs and bought one as i mayaswell because the standard clutch probably dosnt like what i do.. But whats the go? Why did it stop slipping? I did baby it for a week, but "accidently" gave it a squirt and off she went! Any ideas? Thanks
  12. NateR31

    Opinions Please

    red? i though it was just anoter kind of burgendy
  13. wooooooow
  14. you can go to jail for that
  15. well hopefully i get the clutch this week, but ill also need to get a too to align it!
  16. his name could be lancer, mabey he likes lances from the old days, them sticks you poke people with.. i met your husband the other day
  17. that would be pretty cool
  18. when the ban dose happn here it wont affect people who already have thier license
  19. yeh everyone wants to come, but they just wanna laugh at 2 black guys trying to change a clutch, but i guess 10ppl holding a gearbox would be handy :lol: anyone here have a tourqe wrench? im trying to get my hands on a borkd input shaft to easily align the clutch
  20. thats the plan, have a multiplate i might be using, so this is the best way! Can ya help us out?
  21. you can get yours machined any good clutch place can do ti
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