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About grandmasterb

  • Birthday December 2

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    Apple Isle

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    32, Hilux, AU
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  1. Andergrove is in Queensland not Tassie and there is no Shane Court in or around the Huon & Channel area.
  2. Budget won't be stretching anymore for a Stag unless its an 260RS Autech Is that the bloke down at Grove with the red one, if so the boss didn't like the look of the body kit.
  3. Looking to buy a Stagea prefer south of the state but will travel for the right car. Budget of $10,000 but it HAS TO BE in great condition inside & out with no mechanical gremlins (not asking for much am I No real preference with colour or if its stock/modified as long as everything works as its for the better half and I'm quite fond of certain parts of my anatomy and keeping them where they're supposed to be!!! Reply or PM Cheers Ben
  4. I dont doubt that for minute with your set up Jack but with a stock 25 neo a FFP as a "first" mod is a waste of money IMO especially if all its for is cosmetics.
  5. Pizza & a BJ, cant go wrong with those two
  6. There is a 99% chance that you will NEVER max out the stock one so be realistic, the only reason you want one is to tidy up the engine bay. Let's be honest unless your a Fast & Furious poser who likes to lift your bonnet so all the other posers can check out how much bling you have I stand by my statement above: 99% chance you will NEVER max out the stock one
  7. Use the money for other supporting mods
  8. Its crap like that which will be the end of Summernats and shows alike.
  9. It depends on what worth your after? If your just wanting to tidy up the engine bay then sure, but if your looking for performance increase not really.
  10. Any surveyors out there, I need a small job done (retaining walls in backyard) so I can get my applications into the council to start work?
  11. Yeah my bad, all sorted now
  12. Any plumbers out there looking for a cash/beer job? I need the old rusted galv water pipe replaced ASAP. All digging has been done but a small hole needs to be bored through a brick arch way so a kanga or a mini jack would be required. From main stop tap is in poly so can continue with poly or copper, which ever is easiest/practical. Located in Kingston and need it done ASAP Reply or PM Cheers Ben
  13. Get your battery checked to see if its charging ok and still in good health. If its ok: clean your terminals or replace them (not cheap nasty ones from Repco either) clean the posts on the battery make sure you have good earths
  14. Yeah MX32 which will be a weekend cruiser fitted with a 1UZ, S13 suspension, beefed up brakes and a comfy interior
  15. I've got a rotisserie but cant lend it for a year If its a few months we might be able to sort something out.
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