part numbers
0.80mm = 3842440f60 price = $10.12
0.85mm = 3842440f62 price = $14.67
0.90mm = 3842440f63 price = $9.97
1.01mm = 3842440f67 price = $9.79
1.05mm = 3842440f68 price = $14.40
1.10mm = 3842440f70 price = $6.37
1.20mm = 3842440f73 price = $6.37
1.30mm = 3842440f76 price = $10.89
1.40mm = 3842440f80 price = $6.37
1.49mm = 3842440f83 price = $6.37
prices are less gst and some parts are loacted in
melbourne or japan and may take upto 2 weeks to arrive. Parts
that are in melbourne are overnight freight and parts in japan
can be here within a max period of 2 weeks.
Just call Nissan yourself