Yeah im sorta over the whole "spend 1000's on car and have no where to use it" <_<
SO i thought i would try a few other things out for a change.
Cheers Topaz
just a couple that i have taken, nothing fancy as im limited with the camera im using at the moment, but im working on it
Thats a pic of my neice, i was playing around with the pre sets and the limited exposure variations on the camera.
Its a pity i had to crop it as it came out even better than that, but i think it was a fluke, cause out of about 15 photo's that was the only one that was really any good!!! :lol:
Cheers for the tip simplelogik, i'll give it a try next time.
Biggest problem i have with motion shots is the slow shutter speed and lag with the cheap camera and i tend to pan a little too quick and not centre the shot.
BUt im sure it all comes in time!!!
Cheers for the comments guys.