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Everything posted by teazn_r33

  1. dude that looks the same as the ebay ones i have one and it looks the same they have a greddy sticker thing on them do you have that might be greddy cause i see the packet of screws looks the same as a genuin greddy
  2. k kool ill keep that in mind
  3. my guess would be the timming cause if the starter motor is spinning and turning the engine over the battery seems fine
  4. i know that but im elimanating anythin possiable error codes ?? how do i find this out and where is pin 43 on the ecu my hole wiring loom in s1 any wires or elec componants are s1 all i dont was use the head and block
  5. no nothing at all
  6. is the bar sold yet ??
  7. well i brought a new battery its worked well sort of it primes everything up all sweet n shit all lights work but its wont fire the starter motor can i have put the wires on the wrong terminals on the starter motor does anyone have pic of whet side they go on ??
  8. if speakers are still for sale ill take em
  9. yep im goin to try a normal one tomorro the car has sat to long see how i go tomorro
  10. ok i have tkaen my battery out its f**ked only holding 1 volt and not charging so even with the charger on it it still had nothing so ill seehow i go tomorro
  11. dude this car is worth every cent if someone doesnt buy this there stupid
  12. charged the battery still nothin
  13. losers ?? i think i helped him make sure the cam covers still breath into something or else there will be to much pressure build up and you will find yourself in strif
  14. i would not recommend it
  15. ill try a r33 series two ecu but what about my ignitor how do i get passed that ?? i have one and if i put a series two ecu in they dont have a sepreate ignitor i still have the coil packs from the series 2 so i can put them in i dont think it is the battery cause i had a jumper pack on and it still didnt go
  16. i think he wants the dose??
  17. ok look at the pic and see if it makes sense 1. take the bov off block it up 2 block off the hose at both ends 3 you can either block them off or use what the r33 use which is a hose that joins 3 to 4 to 3 again 4 is the hose that runs form each cam cover also block off the other number 4 5 block that off as well in all honesty i would not block off the cam cover ones and the one into the plenum some fella didnt design it just cause he thought it would look good it serves it purpose and look neat
  18. nah i dodnt put them on backwards see how i go tomorro
  19. ok well i first started to charge it under the bonnet and it had a hissy fit but now im doin it in the boot do you think i have f**ked it ??
  20. i have being doin it on a low amp cycle
  21. well i have being charging it in the car ??
  22. to remove it just take it off block that part of that will be fine also where it goes back into the intake block that off as all its doin is puttin the release air back into the intake
  23. if your using just the block it should be fine but you will need to drill oil squiters in if you get it cheap enough it will be worth it but a n/a doesnt have oil squirters
  24. well thats what im trying to find is there any main power wire its hard to find thinsga cause i have a greddy plenum on it now also when i was charging the battery from under the boonet the dash lights came up with a real slow flash and a beep like when u leave your door open ??? but now there is nothing when i turn the key i get nothing i cant see any more wires at all on both sides worst thing is i live in a country two 10 hours from sydney 6 form melb and 4 form adelaide so yer ................rooted??
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