I have been done twice for my BOV. Once I got a fine the police were good about it, The people that were smartarse really got a canning. One day in Campbelltown I left it pretty hard at the lights
two thick black strips up the road, Mr police man tried hard to get but not that day,
Two weeks later I was driving 60kph in a 70 zone and the
blue and reds came on, so I pulled over. He was pissed off bad
Saying I was doing 90 in a 70 zone.
I said thats yer sure I stopped at that roundabout and look how far away we are now(200m).
then he tried to say that my car was to low and to loud
I said it is a bit I was there when the car was at the ADR place and so was my brother and he is in H/patrol.
he dropped the subject and said to me SLOW DOWN.