Hey guys,
k over the last few months i have a worsening starting problem in the RB20DET. Battery is cranking it fine and starter too but it just doesnt want to turn it into an idle
Im also experiencing clutch in/braking stalls at lights which is particularly fun when it takes 10 cranks to get it going have to heel toe gas to keep alive mostly
cold start - about 1 in 3 cranks it will start
hot start - about 1 in 10 cranks to start the bugger, and both scenarios require throttle to gain a stable idle
I also had a miss a while back but replaced a faulty coil and renewed spark plugs and its now running very strongly and quite smooth.....when it finally gets going that is
other info:
battery new and charged
afm recently cleaned
aac valve cleaned
pretty sure no vaccum leaks
040 fuel pump earthed to chassis (not ecu) as per thread on here
Ive done a bit of research and from what i can gather possible causes of this could be:
leaking injector/s or fuel pressure reg??
faulty coolant temp sensor
ignitor faulty/ overheating
coils again, but there is no miss really and power is good??
Thx for reading would really apprec some input/help/ideas as to why it doesnt want to start properly and stalls now and again!!!!
car has:
rb25 turbo, fmic, pod filter, stock bov, 10psi, remap ecu, exhaust
ps- could start maps be crud on the remap?? just an afterthought but problem has been worsening so maybe not