ok, heres a bit of a story to explain the situation...
I bought a 1990 GTR from a gentleman in june last year, which was brought into the country as a WHOLE CAR by an import yard in November 2001. This guy had bought it from the yard and it needed work. Basically it sat in his garage for a few years not running.
Now before i bought this car from the guy (it wasnt complied) i went to the trouble of obtaining and checking the import approval through DOTARS, making sure that the car COULD be complied, and they told me it was no problem just as long as i had the import approval - which they verified.
Now the car needed some work; i did the engine, did the paint, the car is now mint, the product of a 10 month project, and now that it is actually ready to comply, the law has changed and now i need the 'deregistration papers from japan' and a receipt from when it was purchased from the guy in japan, along with the import approval, so ive been told.
I cannot find the yard anywhere (net, whitepages etc.), i know the name of it - it ceases to exist. The guy i bought it from had nothing but the approval.
What the F*@# do i do?
ANY help appreciated,