Nah no sex, and I think they say f**k once or twice.
I reckon it was ok-to-shit, as above not enough car stuff in it, too much least Tokyo Drift had some nice drifting scenes...
I hated they way they did standstills and drifting in that 34 GTR, pretty disgraceful, and they banged it up hard! They banged up every car! How that 5 series beat it off the line I dont know...
AND WHERE DID THE R35 GO? He chose it then we never saw it again?!
That stupid GPS thing made it seem like they were in a video
I hated the racing in the underground
The good things were that alot of the original cast were in it...especially Mia. Dom's original challenger? was good to see too.
References back to number one were good too.
Was more of an action movie than a car movie.