WTF whats with the 20 questions? You guys should go out on a a date...and try face-to-face anyone seen 'smart people'? funny movie.
Its a shame theres not more cops around with your attitude. That is, if this really is your attitude, trying to weave your way onto our good side telling us what we want to hear, just to obtain info and help yourself only...The bottom line is that most arent like yourself and thus the hostility towards any cop.
You cant come on here and expect everyone to be all nice and friendly just cos you are...more bad than good has ever been done to us, so itll take more than your nice attitude to win us over...
On another note...Having to make a certain amount of penalties is a f**king crock of shit. This is what gets people unfairly dicked. Whos to say there is that amount of people doing something wrong....leads to unfair penalties etc.
You should be spending more time listening to the people on the recieving end, rather than chasing some kent in a porsche who prob wont take any notcie anyway FFS.