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Everything posted by femno

  1. wow so this is what you do at a Motorkhana...haha...the courses look like fun, whats the easiest way to remember the course? get a passenger to do co-driver rally styles?
  2. hmm i hope entries will still be available after this weekend...hitting the WRX DECA as my first motorkhana event...just for a warm up!
  3. Yeah nah fair enough. Its just that most people would prefer to see what they are buying rather than relying on past references etc. Just one of those things. Will check back tomorrow. Thanks.
  4. So when someone wants to buy it, we have to wait a week or two because you cant get to it. How do you expect to sell it? Also all this talk of you being legit is worrying. I also would like to see a picture of what you are selling as i am interested in purchasing.
  5. Bump.... Includes cradle and main bolts which i forgot to mention.
  6. man WRX are so slack...i emailed someone about my payment problems and still no reply? wtfs goin on with these people?? edit: Entrants please note- I have made an error on the DECA entry form- I have put the incorrect bank account number for the club. Apologies for those making direct deposits. The correct bank account details are: Direct Deposit Details: Account Name: Impreza WRX Club BSB: 063 128 Account: 10369099
  7. Awesome. That email was what i needed. Cheers!
  8. HEY is anyone else having trouble doing direct deposit? Bank sent me a letter saying they are the wrong details.... and i checked the details on the sheet to what i sent the money to and they are the same? can i just pay on the day??
  9. GTR Sideskirts SOLD and bumpage also oh and edit: will someone please take these stupid Impuls i have. ill take anything for them, just take em! Sick of seeing them!
  10. Nar i wont be bale to make it on the Saturday, as i have work that i wont be able to get out of. Make the next one Sunday! Good work btw
  11. you never got back to me with a total cost including postage?
  12. Hey mate, do you have a drivers aApillar interior trim? (with no holes(i know its a big ask)) If so could you please PM me with price and i will pick up. Thanks!
  13. Hey anyone, Im chasing a set of rear calipers, brackets and discs from a R31. If you have these or may know of someone please let me know via PM with prices etc. Must be in perfect working order. Interstate welcome. Thanks in advance, Mat.
  14. Woo entry sent today. First DECA event. Cant wait. Anyone cruising up on friday night?
  15. Yes you can: Buy and sell uncomplianced cars Compliance the vehicle at any shop Ive had it done myself. I bought a car that was brought into the country 5 years before i got it, and it wasnt complainced immediately; i got it ready for compliance and had it done at a shop other than the one who had brought the car into the country. Also the easiest way to check if the car can be complianced is to call DOTARS, as they know about all cars brought in and whether or not they can be complianced, but they take a day or ten to get back to you. For people in vic call Sam at Japanese Performance Vehicles in Bayswater. Hope this helps potential buyers.
  16. Hey buddy i have a set of GTR skirts for sale, will take anything for them, give me a PM or buzz if youre keen.
  17. Bump for a very clean GTR! I have seen this car in person on the GOR cruise not long ago, its a very nice car, sick wheels. Needs to be seen in person to see the great condition. Good luck!
  18. femno

    Spotted Thread

    Drove to and from work today and didnt see one single skyline?
  19. PMs sent A/C Condensor SOLD A/C Pipes SOLD A/C Fan SOLD Thermo fan SOLD 32 Rear Bar SOLD Lots of parts thrown out over the break too.. 32 Tanabe Stainless Catback no longer for sale 32 Trust Catback Added soon
  20. femno

    Wtb: Powerfc

    I have a Brand new Z32 and Bosch Plug for $315 +5 express post. PM me if your interested.
  21. You better hope it didnt skip more than a couple of teeth...otherwise youll be pulling the head off....
  22. Damn. Did it have to be saturday?!
  23. femno


    ^lol at u guys fighting about whos right and whos wrong... wtf why do they fine by the cylinder hahaha who thought of that one? p.s. i think youve been watching too much F + F
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