I've organised a drift day with NS.com and thought a few SAU members may be interested in attending. For the first drift day we will be having publicity and request intermediate or advance drifters for the first event, and subsequent events will be open to all..... If this first one goes well I'll organise an SAU drift day in the very near future...
XTC & NS.COM Morewell Drift Day
The details have been finalised.
WHERE: Morewell Hill Climb Circuit
WHEN: 21st August 2004, 9:00 am till 6:00 pm
COST: $75 Track Fee, $25 Annual Membership
Morwell is located about two hours out of Melbourne. The event will recieve full coverage in magazine (most likely Drift Battle), and probably TV also. The track will be available for the whole day with ambulance and marshals present for safety. Numbers will be strictly limited to ensure maximum track time. Gold Coin Donation entry for all spectators. All profits will be donated to the Track.
There will be a drivers briefing at 10am and is ESSENTIAL for all drivers, if you miss it you don't drive.
1. Two hours drive down and back
2. Can transport all their own spare rims and tires (no fitting available)
3. $50 Deposit required to confirm place
4. Can drift reasonably well as the first event will be getting massive exposure
Please e-mail, call me on 0425 818 755, or drop in at XTC to arrange payments.