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Everything posted by wrxkilla

  1. You can see the entries on the website............ and lol
  2. as far as i know i dont care what fuel the hks gtr ran on. We have a new World Record Holder!!! wooot -oh and mario took himself to eurpoe, the car is in sydney.
  3. HUGE CONGRATS! http://www.ozhoon.com/pages/WillowbankTesting.htm Some vids of it here I have already posted. Plus it running today. Plus New Pro RWD BMW testing today and APC EVO. www.OzHoon.com VID OF WORLD RECORD GTR HERE: http://www.sportcompact.net.au/WRSMALL2.wmv
  4. that rex is now just rwd with the 3.3 six cyl will do 7s at jambo
  5. THAT IS BLOODY FANTASTIC! im cut i didnt realise they was testing today or i would have gone and got video footage well done. 7.59 @ 192mph is MONSTEROUS! That should improve with more time on aussie tracks... oh and i'd bet my arse that the hks gtr wont be going anywhere lol. mick
  6. Congrats John. I have some video for you of the pB - I promise i will updload it. Will do on Weds night. Ive gotta run off now. well done, cant wait to see you at Jambo. mick
  7. actually...... lol heheh lets not go there, but the v8s coming should be bloody great. cant wait. (I see Marc Jacobson is entered in Sport Mod?) not competing against theo to be first rb26 gtr on street tires into 8s??? (Sport Mod = Slicks) mick
  8. run some more boost! Loved the 10.3 btw - will find my video of it and post if for ya. gtr660hp - where is your workshop mate out of intrest? one of the known performance joints? Also posted some vids of Reece doing 7.73 here: http://www.ozhoon.com/pages/GTR-773.htm And tonight i heard GAS camry ran 6.99 at wsid testing!!! wooot cheers Michael
  9. Reece also just ran 7.73 at the nationals. 295 kph Second pass today. so the mph seems down a bit??? Ran very well, looked great. I wonder if they running within themselves a bit. less boost??? I have video will post it later, im back off out there to watch TD and TF etc... (had to come get my baby out of child care rofl) Also Marc Jacobson had a run, no good. Havent seen Theo? And John with the s/c v8 R33 ran a pb of 10.3!!! well done!!! mick
  10. end of the day - i gunna say this - what experience with any pro cars have i had nothing! so lol. i dont know shit. so take anything i say as either a joke, jest, or plain wishing, or some form of gossip i heard. lol - im not pretending i know anything about the pro cars, only what ive observed. now back to the gossip, what i heard was that chassis the GAS car runs was really only good for 8s... from a pro stock car. The Motor in that car is for sale as they now have a 6.40 engine from the states? And a new chassis is on the way. gotta love the gossip ring.
  11. lol 7.35s can only hope can't we?
  12. Lol you speak so much truth you toyota lover. The Kiwi Cars coming over breaking componants etc and not getting it together. re evos etc. Simon from Speedtech is there with Reece also - so that bit of experience will help. I have no reason to beleive at all this car will be the same. I think it wont be an issue. I think 7.35 @190mph. On the camry yeh obviously its always been a matter of time untill GAS starts running 6.9 and then 6.8 and then 6.7 faster and faster. And PAC wont keep up. So i think its going to be fabulous to see GAS beat PAC with a 6.9 with pac running 7.0 etc. It doesnt happen overnight tho does it. Even tho the GAS car came along leaps and bounds, that 6.99 barrier is still there. Its taknig time to iron out alot of stuff. Its what soo many fans want to see. Everyone loves to see the best be beaten. Mick
  13. lol thats the spirit. f**kenoath. Its nearly worth going just to watch it I recon.
  14. very impressive. Theres the launch, blipping the limiter just before the line. I am very confident we'll see it demolish the 7.67 of the HKS GTR.If thats not enough to get a SportsCompact fan out to Jamboree, well i dont know what will! Well maybe Pac vs Gas 6.9 v 6.9 would be nice! lol I cant bloody wait.
  15. yeh second fastest GTR in the world behinf the HKS GTR. Runs slicks a GT47 and previous pb is 7.81 @ 177mph (i think thats right) lol anyway here it is running 180mph make up your own mind. Reece McGreggor - Heat Treatments R32 GTR First passes on Australian soil. (17mb) ANDRA LICENSING PASSES on VIDEO right click save-as
  16. yeh bloody fantastic. with that launch im sure 190mph will come....
  17. http://www.jamboree.com.au/round1registration.php September 17th i think.
  18. was out at willowbank on sunday and got to see Reece in the Heattreatments GTR run some licensing passes. 8.4 @ 300kph (186mph) with a bogged launch! Bloody fantastic. new mph record i think? Should walk all over that and mid 7s at the Nationals this weekend, then Jambo! cant wait. mick
  19. awesome work mate. i was out there saturday but had to go home early. never got to see you race. pity i would of video'd it. good luck in the nationals mate
  20. awesome John. What class are you entering with the skyline? Camping would be fine, plenty of room in the pit areas to sort yourself out.
  21. lol thats a bugger. i love seeing the old gazelle up on the rear wheels. or are you entering in 2 classes Ben? And to watch Reece run a 7.6 will be the hightlight for me, next to seeing GAS hopefully run a 6 and beat PAC.
  22. nope not as far as i know. and with our fields it would be a step in the wrong direction...
  23. rofl these threads are great. i once found my car had a swapped turbo.... I posted the whole story a few years ago. lol a whole lot more to the story but yeh, that was great fun. at a well known sydney workshop! rofl.
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