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Everything posted by wrxkilla

  1. thats a very handy looking gtr you got there. 350kw is awesome well done love the useability of the power band. should be quick on the road mick
  2. ok, i will check the specs and check back with yout re prices. its not really hp that matters for this one its everything before that! cheers mate mick
  3. lol yeh paul & tracey are big regulars on the nsw forum. they came up for jambo this yeah in the car infact i think i have some vids somewhere. much celebrated gtr running on small twins still going strong hope they can race tomorow and not rained off!
  4. Hey Daniel what different spec'd T04Z's can you get hold of? thanks mick
  5. was you out there on weds? i arent sure i remember seeing you? well i finish work soon, and am going through all my vids when i get home anyway...
  6. yep the supra is nikki she runs a t88 and has 125+mph trap speeds. just has big probs getting off the line with the auto, no boost. once shes going tho shes going!!! mick
  7. fark thats terrible will keep eyes peele dif im offered anything like that
  8. for now its going good. im taking the changes pretty softly tbh i have a spare too, id prefer not to use it tho. mick
  9. yeah no worries, i have at least 1 of each skyline. when i get home tonight i will dld and hook em all up
  10. kenoath
  11. awesome dan keep us updates cant wait for your beast to be full gung ho
  13. hey all yeh i have vids of all the cars i think so will do them tonight. thanks to my missus up in the stands filming it all for you. yeh the auto rb20 had nothing off the line heh. needs a manny. once you was going it picks up nice.
  14. hey morgs yeh but as demonstrated in that thread i had back then, you have to look at my dyno graph. With an old school to4r (mine has 0.96too)its very laggy and doesnt make great accross the range power like the t04z say. so peak power accross the gears is low. it only makes the peak power for a small amount of time in high rpm. so its not ideal. it was tuned yesterday before the track with 398kw at 4 on 18psi wastegate pressure. Hopefully with some practise, tires, i can get some higher 12xs mph its a step by step getting there mick
  15. yeh thats what it seemes like. looks as if they was on a saftey rampage. lol which if you ask me is fair enough. re my time, yeh im really struggling getting off the line need to ditch my street tires and get some semis. http://www.gunnamotorsport.com/vids/wrxkilla32gtr20.WMV this is marc jacobson i missed 3rd and went 11.7 http://www.gunnamotorsport.com/vids/wrxkilla32gtr22.WMV solo run i another 11.4
  16. Hi All, was informed last night at willowbank test n tune (same as a street meet in sydney) that as the andra rule book currently states if you run 11.99 or faster you now require a 4 point saftey harness! Apparantly a rule thats been in there for a little while and hasnt been enforced. They was also on top of alot of the saftey stuff last night, pretty much actually checking every helmet had the sticker to show it met aussie standards etc. Ah well just a shout out so everyone knows. Get yourself a harness. btw i ran 11.41 @ 124mph gotta get tires its all over for me. lol mick
  17. yeh congrats going awesome. sooo close eh! i have vids of most lines there i think - will go through them all tomorow, heres a couple of quick one sof me http://www.gunnamotorsport.com/vids/wrxkilla32gtr20.WMV this is marc jacobson i missed 3rd and went 11.7 http://www.gunnamotorsport.com/vids/wrxkilla32gtr22.WMV solo run i ran11.4 My best run of the night was 11.41 @ 124mph need some tires, they just shocking... mick
  18. http://mirror.bom.gov.au/products/IDR502.loop.shtml
  19. yeh im wacthing the radar looks all good theres a storm down low near coolangatta so thats yonks away. If i see something on the radar - i will keep away. but as long as its far away like that im there mick
  20. so can anyone confirm what car that is in PRO RWD on the entries list? Is it PORTS? and is it a typo or is that Pro RWD 7.91 sec RB30 300zx coming out? i would have loved to have been down there to race in lowly sports rwd. but car wasnt ready in time mick
  21. so all you guys in for tonight??? i will prob be late, its a pity i love being there when the gates open. so i will go straight there.... cant wait to line up and have a run. mick
  22. hi sk what advantages does this give as a rule of thumb as each different set of cams would require different config to get the most yes? and by most - who wants top end who wants down low? so what would 4 degrees retarde on the exhaust and 2 degrees advanced do? i presume more midrange?
  23. my car is at mercury getting a tune should have tomorow, i'll be out there. michael (silver R32 GTR - ZLR32)
  24. lol
  25. +1 thats who im currently using. Hence the schtickers on me car haha www.mercurymotorsport.com.au providing a great service with good customer support etc to me. thanks mick
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