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Everything posted by wrxkilla

  1. hahahaha absolutely classic cheered up my day dan mick
  2. lol all you guys are so negative. give the guy a break. i would bet anyone on here they are n1s $100. i'd be willing to come meet you as well and have a look f you want. congrats - good work its a nice figure, i am pretty confident a figure like that would resemble N1 turbos on 14psi thanks Mick
  3. it would do good burnouts! kenoath! stock hahaha
  4. sorry i was reffering to stock turbo's full exhaust, pods and 1 bar plenty of gtrs make 220kw at 4 wheels and plenty with same mods and n1s make approx 250kw at 4. but yeh rich, i know of a gtr up here with n1s making 340kw atw also. but more boost. hehehe mick
  5. yep thats about right tho richard. stock gtrs make aprox 220kw (at 4) so rears will be a bit higher. Ive seen a few gtrs with n1s make around teh 250 kw mark 4 wheels both on 1 bar but yeh for sure best bet is to have a look! mick
  6. i would hazard a guess at n1s 1 bar stock gtr would be 220kw at 4 1 bar n1s is 250kw at 4 all there abouts? thats a rule of thum ive always used. mick
  7. nice what kind of t04 you got?
  8. lol thats some nice comments. lol well you should have stuck your hand up when they asked for some non gay skylines.... lol
  9. btw any pics of the fuel setup?
  10. hi so what fuel lines does it come with? and i take it the baffled sump is goooone? thanks michael
  11. lol
  12. hahahaha lol yep cant wait to see the real deal
  13. doesnt dound good eh. the racing on the m1 thing happens, but man jumping on the brakes and jumping in front of people thats terrible mick
  14. ah yeah not having a go dude, its an awesome effort. just i think alot of teh light and stuff naffs up a couple, june & october defo i recon. but as long as them dudes are happy with their months its all cool. :-P mick
  15. getting there. i personally think some of those night shots didnt turn out that well on a few months. the light all over the place etc. cant wait tho! well done lots of hard work mick
  16. i read he ran a 7.9 tonight backing off with a 162mph... mick
  17. hahah heh its classic as normally im not the sort to clean cars, i hate it. first wash its had that was in 3 weeks (last one was before the streetcar shootout) mick
  18. well done i am hopiong for a story soon on my street r32.
  19. i missed out on shenanigans? spewing. so what was right down past that roundabout? i saw a couple of yas go down? i thought it was a grass field? mick
  20. sorry i dont have many individual pics, as i was concentraiting on getting some of mine for something i need today. and i thought everyone else would have individual ones.
  21. ah cool nice to meet you mate, im teh poofter polisher with red hair! i like bens?(i presume)lol gtr looks really nice. have to meet up again soon and check it out. michael (ZLR32)
  22. pity some guys left before we could re arrange and get these pics... would hae been much better with a few more. sorry didnt get chance to say hi to many tonight, was being a poofter and had the chamois out. lol
  23. why do we not get to see your super sleeper ?
  24. ok i found the workshop manual. here is a pic incase anyone in the future needs it too... now to find part numbers lol
  25. plenty www.mercurymotorsport.com.au
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