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Everything posted by wrxkilla

  1. Hi All, Please could someone assist me, im looking for a diagram of the gear lever linkage for R32 GTR. In particular where the rod(gear stick) with the ball on the end sits in a bush. I need a diagram of that area. I dont have a copy of workshop manual and i no longer have FAST, so if someone could please supply me with a diagram from either i would be really really appreciative. thanks very much. Michael
  2. do they let it run in the wet? damn if so i might get out there would be awesome. mick
  3. damn ive missed out on this thread. lol im a spanker free bump. mick
  4. good work what times you after? i love the drags so will surely come out. too far away to say if my GTR will come and play mick
  5. do you know your wheel offset?
  6. lol i have some tires available to me i really want. and i can have asap in 275. so really want to see if they cna fit under but yeah 245 & 255 seem nice for street. but the tires im after are a more track orientated item... mick
  7. Hi All i have read the tires and fitments thing in sticky here and cant find anyone else running 275s??? I am running 17 x 9.5 with 15+ offset wheels, and want some 275x40x17 tires. will they or wont they fit under my gaurds? that is the question. lol I will at least need to get gaurds rolled i assume that. im currently running 245s easily thanks Michael
  8. i like racing!!!
  9. hrm i didnt see any speeding or anything like that?the roll through the hills was pretty sedate and everything etc. or anyone racing there etc? mick
  10. photos r goood mmkayyyy keep em coming
  11. yep im well and truly into that! i go pretty decent for my weight. well as decent as i can go hahaha
  12. hahaha lol exactly my point. i own my car not the workshop. i dont work there, i just agree to put stickers on it as does willo anyyyway, awesome day. keep all the pics coming! mick
  13. I dont think any worksops brought along any demo cars tbh? none that i noted? mick
  14. lol pics in other thread! also yeah that stupid guy in that old merc caused a huge back up hey. lol mick
  15. I have added my pics here: WWW.GUNNAMOTORSPORT.COM - MSC PICS
  16. Farken avoided some nasty nasty nasty storms on the way back. farken omg some bad bad stuff. on the m1 near narangba, damn it was like a mini tornado came though. big 1m wide trees snapped in half etc. hope everyone was lucky enough to avoid hail like me. good fun day, nice to meet some more peeps mick
  17. lol nice pics i look like a right nob in one of em hahaha
  18. index classes have been discussed and are a possibility for some classes i think i heard.
  19. why? what motors would you like to include? remembering we are sports compact. its not about big engine displacement? mick
  20. yeah isnt it a stock rb26 doing 8s? lol that'll show those 'stock' 2js
  21. ah ok i presume mark jacobson. cool
  22. who broke? which one?
  23. exactly the top guys in sport rwd should be advancing into sport mod. especially when most of those cars fit sports mod rules a whole lot better then sport-rwd.... mick
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