Actually Adrian from what many of us was told at the SE QLD Sports Compact Forum, by i think if i remember corectly most if not all officials including Divisional Directors and the Sports Compact Director.
If you lodge a simple rule submisison change just by yourself out of the blue your chances are very slim. infact they wil pay very little attention to it.
They instructed us you couldnt just follow the format and send it off.
You basically have to start lobbying to loads of Divisional Directors and stuff.
So all your doing is convincing them one to one face to face about your rule.
So by time they sit down at the rule submisison meeting their mind is already made up.
Lol, its nearly getting to a point where you have to make sweetners for officials to think your way. lol
I personally think, that there is no reason why a load of Sport Compact Powerbrokers cant get together for a meeting and decide on a load of rule changes for the good of the sport. like weights etc, some of the basic issues in pro rwd etc.
Oh hang on, i forget they have no say, the NCC does. the bogans that have nothing to do with our sport!!!!
Did i interperit this wrong?