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Everything posted by wrxkilla

  1. argggg you poor bastard!!!!
  2. you racing this weekend at willowbank mark? hope you go well, i'll come say hi if you do michael
  3. ah thats great! would be good for us to line up. i really needed new tires it was getting desperate but meh, will be fun anyway, not expecting to go to far as i cant be consitant! lol see you out there! will defo come say hi and see the black beast again
  4. yep i dont want to mess u guys around. as i see how hard it is to arrange everything! lol but im defo free tonight, and will be free tomorow night too. thanks michael
  5. will have pics of the seat by the weekend. The Base Frame is easy to modify to suit any other nissan for anyone with a welder.
  6. hi please email [email protected] and can do pics pm is too hard. thanks 0411 424393 [email protected]
  7. nice well done. i didnt have much chance to come say hi - i had sme small probs etc. i saw a little burnout from you etc. i ran a 11.91 @ 118.89mph lots of traction loss etc wasnt a full flat stick run. but on other runs was having probs cog swapping... need to change gearbox oil today/tomorow for sat. got stuck in 2nd gear! mick
  8. ok i think to make it easier i might just miss out. a couple of reasons. i now have stickers on the car so wont look as good for the calendar. and im racing at the Powercruise StreetCar Shootout on Sat 6am-10pm and i know how hard it is for you to get everything together, so its okay. mick
  9. thats all well and good but the point is. i haev a fully tunable ecu am i going to make more power with 98ron optimax or 100ron e10 optimax extreme. when retuned as far as i know the e10 fuel will be lese dense so i cant run it as hard, so i would lose power? is this a correct assumption? this is how i view it. mick
  10. hey rich, i have just been offereed some re55s just gunna check them out, i think they a bit softer so not really what i want i think. will get back to ya mate thanks mick
  11. so where exactly are me and squiz to meet up tonight? mick
  12. yep if you guys are meeting post it i might come too. sat morn i am prob 6am leaving home. tonight prob leave at 4pm
  13. Hi All CMon TONS AND TONS OF PARTS. NEED TO CLEAR SPACE http://www.japboyz.com/specials.htm http://www.gtir.com.au/parts.htm 0411 424393 [email protected]
  14. nice we have a few nissans then good stuff
  15. im already doing a favour for smeone tonight and doing a formal. i would volonteer if i wasnt doing tonight. just i need time on my car in prep for this weekends racing at willowbank mick
  16. Hi there Brembos are all 4 Callipers and Rotors. i think normally a set with brakets pads etc sells for 3k-4k dont they? mick
  17. lol thats practically what i was after, just the rail. not selling on its own still? lol
  18. hahaha its all so true daniel. lol good advice!
  19. ah ok nah after 10 is okay wit me. but i can do tuesday too. available after 6:30pm tomorow. mick
  20. ah shivers im heading out to willowbank at 3pm, and it finishes at atbout 10pm i think? so weds is bad for me. bugger i dunno.....
  21. Hi Mate yeah Im there on weds getting some practise. also going for some low 11s. i have some dead street rubber tho, so we'll see. im sure no traction will be an issue for me. I presume you are in the All in 4,6,8 rotary DYO Street Class at the StreetCar Shootout? hopefully we should line up against eachother on weds and have a larf. thanks Mick
  22. go go go go batman! im available whenever except weds night im at willowbank and sat im at willowbank
  23. OK to make things easier to manage, its been hard as. we have uploaded everything to a website...pics are going up., makes it much easier to do etc etc... http://www.japboyz.com/specials.htm http://www.gtir.com.au/parts.htm thanks
  24. hahah mad bugger! legend. we'll meet up soon i spose and i'll buy you a beer or some lunch or something. mick
  25. 0411 424393 ??? should be good.
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