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Everything posted by wrxkilla

  1. lol nice, where is that info what gtr is that? by then i would like to be pushing a similar number, i wanna come but am worried about the heat now... an flogging it... mick
  2. all cools so whats the plan of action re the shots? we all going to meet up and do a group photoshoot type thing? mick
  3. so how we going with cars nearly got enuf
  4. i think its first proper outing where he got some full runs in? since the new rb26/30 combo. didnt get to run at jambo etc did he. pretty cool
  5. Thanks Matt. SOLD to me. mick
  6. well the cas is on atm and the car appears to run fine. the way i see it the half moon lip thisng is just a locator anyway??? all the load so to speak is on the splines? anyway, will talk to the people in the know, and will buy a new bloody camshaft if i have too! hehehe i always make expensive mistakes! clown mick
  7. for 600cc twin z32s and was tuned for 1.6 bar about 350+kwat4. still running low boost yet but still hella rich... mick
  8. lol i know mate. so your not willing to just sell me the powerfc for a price and locate yourself a stock ecu? (my ecu has a chipped rom so wont be what you want) mick
  9. can you give a price on just the powerfc without a stock ecu swap? or you dont want to do straight sell? thanks Michael
  10. lol do go with the t51spl he got? hehehehe sik moit!
  11. Hello all. sprayed my rocker covers silver on weekend...
  12. no hand controller hey, it costs about $350 tp buy hand controller on its own. so thats $1100. prettty expensive for a used unit when you can get em cheaper brand new. if you are willing to negotiate on your price a bit let me know. I have cash and want a powerfc this week, but wont pay $1100 for one with hand controller. thanks v much Michael
  13. wrxkilla


    farken good work love it. get to a meet soon so we can check it out. any engine bay pics??
  14. well im a total spanker. i have never had crank angle sensor off before. and didnt really realise there was this locator thing. just thought it was splined. And i was re-fitting it it was tuff to go in. (obviously i didnt re-align it) And i thought it was just tuf going through the seal thing around the hole on the cam gears cover. so i rubber hammerd it in with two hits. bam straight in.... so obviously schnap. what a spanker. mick
  15. thanks for the info on the cams t04gtr. i will inveestigate more. mine defo have stamped 264 on the end. not sure they are tomei tho they was sposed to be. will check that out soon... Regards the prob, thanks for the advice - have the CAS back on and started the car, lined up the splines and off i went. car doesnt feel 100%, but ive prolly stuffed up the timing.... so will get into a garage and have em reset it. thanks v much michael
  16. ET:11.975 MPH:117.28 60':1.888 Tyres: Crap bridgestone compliance spec! Nitrous:no Fuel: BP ultimate Nissan:R32 GTR http://www.gunnamotorsport.com/wrxkilla/timeslip1.jpg
  17. ah ok i see i thought it was like the half moon type thing that gripped and turned it. ok i have just had a shower and cleaned up, so i will have a look this afternoon after lunch. thansk very much, now i see what T04R was saying to me in the other thread. thansk guys will let you know how it goes. thankyou michael
  18. heh i spose, i have the little peice here proken off in my hand. anyway i have 2 threads going now. http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/in...showtopic=92101 lol maybe lock this one down?
  19. ah really? you make me happy dougboy so they can weld this little locator thing back on or something? Tighe Cams - they in brissie? i will try find em in yellow pages.... thanks v much mick
  20. Hi All I have snapped the cas locator thing on my 264 tomei exh camshaft. absolutely gutted i m stupid. anyway - i want to order a new camshaft - how do i know if its a poncam or a procam? how can i tell the difference??? help is much muhc appreciated. thanks Michael
  21. Look slike i might have snapped the half moon locator thing on the exch side camshaft. i am farken spewing. not happy jan
  22. Hi All, I removed my RB26 cam covers and cam gear cover this weekend to clean them up and give them a fresh lease on life. I have re-fitted everything car wont start. just as if i had unplugged the crank angle sensor. so i must have done something wrong with it. I know i must have stuffed something up. i thought i had inserted it how it was removed, i have re-seated the plug a few times all the same. Any help would be appreciated, really need to get car going. What can i check / change etc etc.... thanks Michael
  23. lol fair enough, if we keep a strict rule that it cant be posted by us (the user) only an admin can update the times etc? like we post in the thread and the first page is constantly updated by the admin kind of guy. if there is no timeslip it doesnt go on the list. mick
  24. heheh great work brett thanks mate, it always was a great part of the site. i'll start off i'll take a photo of my timeslip tonight and post it. thanks mick
  25. yeah ok so whos cage do we have to rattle to get it going again.
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