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Everything posted by wrxkilla

  1. wrxkilla

    Evo 9

    btw - did he buy it from that mitsi dealer in toowong? i may have a photo of it hwen it was being deleivered on friday or thurs cant remember.... mick
  2. wrxkilla

    Evo 9

    lol the biggest thing i HATE about this country. is the generalisations etc the Evolution series receives thanks to all teh lame lancers running around. Great car, congrats to him. i would love another myself and love the 9 mick
  3. presume you dont have a 4wd light lit up on your dash and its not running in rwd?
  4. yeah i will happily take photos of my connectors and where they plugged in if need be, but i am sure when i plugged everyhting back in i had nothing spare.... sorry to be of no help thanks mick
  5. hi paul i have the m's tourque split controller. if thats any help. ? i doubt it. info is bloody hard to find on these units.... mick
  6. ah yeah some very nice mods mate. we will haev to meet up for sure. saw you out at jamboree, looking very very nice, but having some problems? what was the go there? thanks michael
  7. bump $500 for second hand one $1000 for vnear new one michael
  8. this car will make 400kwatw easy
  9. some of the evo compliance varys i think from $5000-$7000 not sure on current costs if its came down. The new sevs stuff can be very tricky tho. you WILL need to remove teh alloys any exhuast etc. car has to be STOCK STOCK STOCK. ive heard of a few evos being sent back...... mick
  10. yeah defo. it was somehting i always wanted to check from the start, but meh im not the best of mechanics and sort of was lazy about doing it thinking it was a looong shot. lol pwned eh! damn wish I did. But yeah fixed all piping up today, car is running awesome, hard as nails on 1.2bar (set on boost controller) will go for more boost when dynoed etc during the week, will let everyone know how i go. im just overjoyed its running sweet now. thanks everyone. michael
  11. hi mate, sounds kind of like a big plan. i would say 2x 60mm gt gates would be a bit big on 2x td06's i think? 40mm or 50mm might be better. but yeah i really would want 60mm with all teh vband connectors ect so it all plumbs up. sorry not really intrested. sorry mate Good luck with it, sounds like its gunna be a monster! mick
  12. yeah they do still sell them i was suprised. i think they will now be just selling off stock maybe and only manufacture HKSGT2
  13. hahaha, lol yeah mate i was out there testing away etc but yeah mate now its all looking better we'll hookup for sure buddy. thanks michael
  14. have replied to pms. some more info hrer ei spose: http://www.hksusa.com/products/more.asp?id=697
  15. lol yeah thanks for everyones help! but yeah havent really drivin it since the testing last night, and every full load run the intercooler pipe swas getting blown off! lol damn so will get some good clamps on it this weekend. booked on dyno on weds and see how she goes!
  16. Item: HKS GT 60MM Wastegates (1.3-1.7bar springs) Location: Brisbane Item Condition: Have 2xforsale. 1x Practically brand new (put on car to test and done under 50kms) other came on my gtr which had 30,000kms... I have pulled that one apart and inspected and its in great nic, no tears etc, all functions i have installed brand new wastegate springs in that one too. 1.3-1.7 bar Reason for Selling: only need one of them Price and Payment Conditions: $500 for s/h hand one $1000 for new one Extra Info: - I will keep one of them, whichever one sells first someone has, and i will use the other on my car. both working fine etc, proven by the fact i will keep whatever doesnt sell.... Contact Details: pm me or email [email protected] Will sell with no fittings in them (they are cheap to get from pirtek or enzed) Will sell with the 2x vband clamps brand new. Check prices on these big mofos i paid $1350 for my new one very recently and that was a good price. (will provide the invoice for buyer if intrested) Have new box and all instructions etc that came with it, practically brand new. These wastegate are perfect for your big mamma turbo. HKS T51, HKS T04Z, T04R, T04S etc etc... i know many big gtrs using this wastegate with these turbos. thanks Michael
  17. Well it worked!!! The exhaust conrol valve it looks to me didnt have enough tension on it. with my hands i could quite easily push it closed half way from being open. then it got tuf to push, like you would expect it be. so think it must have been closing up enough under pressure to cause a blockage of sorts. anyway for now its not in there, will get all the desired boost levels i want with ebc and stuff first, (as i only got 1.4 bar lastnight on wastegate spwing rate) (ihave 1.3-1.7bar spring) then fix up the tension of the thing before refitting it. so atm i was hitting 1.4 far in 2nd and 3rd gears. but a certain intercooler pipe would blow off. done that 3 times. clamped it up tight as. so will try get some decent clamps today/tomorrow and get on teh dyno next week. so thats good. here are some pics. the one with my thumb shows how far it could push closed easily with not much pressure before it got tight. and just a couple of other pics of the setup etc. mick
  18. lol mate certainly did bring a smile to my dial. will do a big post in a min and some pics. :D:D
  19. Ok tonight i have removed the exhaust and the apexi exhaust control valve, and found its that apexi device that caused the problem. i saw 1.4 bar tonight as set on the wastegate. So im very happy, seem to have found the problem. wil post some more pics and more detailed stuff tomorow. mick
  20. bump still forsale $650 or best offer.
  21. hi, do you have pics of the catch can setup? intrested. thanks
  22. lol yeah it does look farken nice i have to say. if i had some spare cash there would be more things i would do. but meh. the mods and the looks is what sold me on the car obviously. its tuf enough. sigsputnik - i have a friend who imports cars mate - he helped me do it myself. was quite easy. ah well seems i am spamming up the thread, heres another pic. http://www.gunnamotorsport.com/members/images/wrxkilla4.jpg
  23. lol gday andy! howd you go with that trust box of yours?
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