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Everything posted by wrxkilla

  1. not being funny, ive already been to 1 workshop and paid for them to test everything, dont want to walz into another and them charge me for the same things. the basic prognosis i got out of other workshop is something is wrong with wastegate. so thats why im troubleshooting... What i really need is a Recplacement wastegate i think. But impossible to find anyone with the same one... Just annoys me as i have inspected the current one and it seems fine. thanks Michael
  2. yeah defo search. apc, i think mercury can help too.
  3. Ah most definately!!! I would love to, but cant find anyone with a same wastegate... As i'd need the same size V band connector thing. Dont want to start welding and killing pipework. let alone me convincing them to let me have a use for a night. mick
  4. hi yeah, i was at first thinking the other one was a 0.9bar spring. so i purchased a 1.3-1.7 spring setup(this requires 2 springs) So yeah its a lot higher rated. so thats the thing, if i have a 1.3-1.7 spring in there, why wont the sucker stay closed until then. yes its v-band on both sides. http://www.hksusa.com/products/?id=697 thanks for all the thoughts.
  5. yeah have checked all gaskets, doesnt seem to be any leaks. although most guys here are missing the point. Its running an external wastegate venting to atmosphere. The wastegate opens and starts screaming at 0.9 bar. and you can hear it! lol So its defo something with the wastegate i thinks? just after someone with experience with external gates for any tests i could do, what to check? how to make it stay closed etc??? I have pulled it apart and diaphram looks in fine cond, purchased new springs (that should be keeping it closed until 1.3-.17bar) bah, im sulking. mick
  6. lol pics in here: http://www.gunnamotorsport.com/members/wrxkilla.html yeah ive spent about a month now trying to fix this, and its getitng frustrating. ran a 12.3 @112 on 0.9bar. want low 11s if i can get some bloody boost. im pulling my eyes out. mick
  7. yeah cant do, as the hks GT wastegate uses those clip type conectors, not bolts. but yeah thats a cracker of an idea, bugger.... mick
  8. intake restriction, hrrm never thought of that... well, i still cant see it being that, that would have nothing to do with the wastegate cracking open and letting the boost out... but ok will see if i can test that, i doubt it, but with everything i want to rule it out. Anyone have any insight? I really dont want to rebuild turbo and find out its not the turbo, or buy new wastegate and find out its not wastegate. thanks very much Michael
  9. Hi, Are you sure the puffs of smoke are white? If they are white smoke, the high probibility is that your turbo is dying. definately time to rebuild the turbo methinks? michael
  10. OK im thinking of dropping the exhaust to see what effect this has on it.... any more ideas anyone? really wanting to prove it can be a problem with the wastegate? thanks michael
  11. boost gauge and the evc (when thats connected) read same reading. plus i have had it on dyno and it shows same thing. I havent tried spinning the compressor or anything - will try that.... i did check for shaft play, it was rather minimal. hks pod filters on it, new foam in atm
  12. no cat, cat is removed.
  13. yep as i say above, i have removed both vacuum hoses from the wastegate, and still only boosts wo this same level... it should really boost unlimited....bang (its a 0.96 exch housing - and it boosts up nice and hard - then gate opens at 0.9 and controls boost) Boost controller is UNLPLUGGED atm. All tests doing manually. Need to prove it can boost manually before even bothering with the controller. (but yep i did check that too) any more help is greatly appreciated. thanks michael
  14. Hi all, I have an R32 GTR with a HKS T04R. Running a HKS 60mm GT wastegate.(venting to atmo) Uses a HKS EVC III boost controller. At the moment (for track work) 4inch titianium zorst with a muffler no pussy cat. Also using an Apexi exhaust control valve. OK I had fiddled lots and lots and lots with boost controller trying to get boost out of her and no matter what I adjusted, still only holding 0.9 bar. It peaks up at 1.1-1.2 and drops off to 0.9 So for the best way forward is to eliminate the controller from the equation. Try and bleed off manual boost with wastegate. Have tried every which way combination you could think off to bleed boost of, both vacuum hoses off, one off the other on, the other way round, both getting positive pressure, one getting the other getting, so on and on. So its pretty apparant the physical setup just cant do the deed. Tried adjusting the wastegate spring tension thing, and no change. No matter what you try to change the configuration, it would practically ALWAYS run the exact same boost. So at this point, the wastegate was removed and inspected. It appears to be operating fine. The diaphragm looks in good condition and the spring functions, it opens and closes.(with lots of force lol) So I think well, must be the wastegate spring, just is worn and cant hold closed. (as if it held closed should build and build and build boost! Lol So I check HKS website and order the spring configuration for 1.3-1.7 bar – this needs and outer and centre spring. These arrive. Are fitted to the wastegate, manually there is most definitely A LOT more physical force needed to operate as you’d expect. So back on the car it goes. And whooshka, exact same symptoms. Been through all the same steps as above again now with new springs in place. No good. Only boosts to 0.9bar (peaks to 1.1+) Now I keep wanting to blame the turbo, but I cant, as its not the turbos fault the wastegate opens up at this point. I just want to be able to keep the sucker closed, to prove it can run the more boost, then we can try control it… So this has to be a physical problem with the wastegate? Right??? Please any advice or opinions wanted. Thanks I have taken a few pics of the wastegate if anyones intrested, not the best but if it helps.... Michael
  15. heep in mind spool times for t04z are very good. mick
  16. T04Z all the way, newer technology... will make the power easier than a t78 hell id go for T51R.... mick
  17. defo go see here: http://www.gtiroz.net/ I have owned 2 gtirs in my time. Love them to bits. Need money and need to be well well maintained. But can be awesome cars. keep in mind there are a few dogs around that will be very tires gearbox and motors etc.... Mick
  18. any truth to the rumour of reece mcgreegor coming over from nz to give it to the aussies??? mick
  19. wrxkilla


    ah no thats terrible i work in the area, will keep my eyes peeled.
  20. hoping to see 9s from you, taking it to the 2 qld gtrs out there running 9s. michael
  21. well i thought id be more helpful I needed: Import Approval (for 15years) 1990 QLD Saftey Certificate QLD Mod Plate - for car mods CTP certificate if its a sevs car, yours will be you will need the compliance plate and compliance doscumentation. (mind you I had my compliance enginners report and they didnt want to see it) This was at Spring Hill QLD Roads in Brissy. besides that just your license for ID and proff of address etc.
  22. yeah you will DEFINATELY need the Import approval. just regoed my r32gtr at qld transport too. mick
  23. yeah im in a similar boat. not sure if it will be ready to race in time... i had been waiting for it all year... i'm there spectating at worst case, have a corporate box with a few mates. Michael
  24. Hi Very Intrested in HKS Wastegate. Looks like its the GT type Wastegate 60mm? Please tell me if you are willing to sell seperate and what price? Has it been on a car and proved it works fine? Appreciate your response. thanks Michael
  25. hahahaha its because we are ex gtir owners. we have a part of our brain cells missing!!!
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